Apply concealer before or after base? find out right now

Should I apply concealer before or after the base?

Perhaps this question has arisen for you, in this case, the order of factors completely changes the result of your make section. Therefore, define between applying corrective before or after the base, which is so important. Knowing the perfect way to use concealer and foundation on the face is essential!

We asked top makeup artists including Kiko de Lima (with more than 30 years of experience in the market) what is the best strategy to make that make-up breath, we made a review to help you in this mission, write in the notebook 😉

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Okay, got it, but which one do I apply first?

Finally, the recommendation is to apply the concealer first, because you don't run the risk of covering what you don't need, avoiding leaving your look. The base alone helps to cover those imperfections that we hate

Covers everything!

If you have the deepest and most marked dark circles, you can use a foundation at least one to two shades lighter than your skin to lighten that part of your face. This tip can be used heavily for slightly more mature skin, leaving it looking younger.

MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! even so, correction is needed, you can apply the very fine concealer over the top, to give the finish/finish on your section.

What about colored concealers?

We've already explained a good part of that question "Spread correction before or after the base", but we also have to say that the colored corrections also come after the base.

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So even these concealers come after the foundation, and of course afterwards, you can apply a concealer to adjust the skin tone, and finish your work of art 😉

How to use concealer and foundation on the face to prolong durability?

Likewise using foundation or concealer is MANDATORY have a clean and hydrated skin before starting the look production. This care guarantees the "strength" and greater durability of your make, in summary, it makes it more POWERFUL.

Ahhh we have one extra trick: Finish with translucent powder to seal the makeup (I swear you will LOVE)

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Use your hands!

Use your fingers instead of the brush!!!!

First of all, your hands need to be clean, impurities directly on the face can cause allergies, pimples and even dermatitis. So wash your hands with a mild soap and don't apply anything afterwards, ahhh and of course, be careful with products like alcohol gel, for example, which are aggressive and can also sensitize the skin and hinder your final result with your makeup

Concealers can be applied using a brush, fingers or sponge, but if you use your fingers you spend less product, of course saves more money 😉 

Before closing the article, let's leave this LINK to help you learn more about foundation and corrective, it's great to check it out =)

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