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Organic sealing or thermal sealing?

If your hair looks dry and lifeless, it is likely that you are looking for some treatment to improve the health of your hair. Therefore, it is possible that you have come across organic sealing or thermal sealing. But which one to choose? That's the subject of our article!

Do you know what organic sealing is and what its benefits are? This and much more you will learn in this article.

In addition to the possibility of using the BeautyVip Hair to achieve more hydrated hair, strengthening the strands and sealing the cuticle, some women may want to venture into other procedures. And today, we're going to tell you some things you need to know about organic and thermal sealing.

What is capillary sealing?

Capillary sealing is a treatment created in Brazil based on keratin. Its main function, as the name suggests, is to close the hair cuticles. But do you know what the benefits of sealing are?

Besides other things, capillary sealing tends to restore the hair's health, providing a more disciplined, hydrated, resistant and much more shiny appearance. And because it can be used on all hair types, it is a treatment widely used by women.

It is essential that you know what is capillary sealing before applying this method. After all, depending on the procedure, it can cause some damage to your hair, making you get the opposite result from what you expected.

What is organic sealing?

Several hair procedures have a method that damages and harms the health of the hair. And, over the years, industries have focused on presenting new ways that help with healthy hair, but without damaging it, and it is more or less in this context that organic sealing came into force.

Organic sealing is a treatment that doesn't damage the locks, and that's why it's the preferred method among women. All ingredients used for this method are based on acids, like apple cider vinegar, for example.

When we add certain types of acids to the hair, it tends to balance the ph of the locks. As a result, it prevents the formation of frizz and split ends, since the acids have a high conditioning power.

What is heat sealing?

Thermal sealing is the most consolidated and sought after method when it comes to restoring the hair's health. As it has a reconstructive proposal, its formula is based on components capable of strengthening the fiber and returning nutrients necessary for good development.

Based on keratin, thermal sealing stimulates hydration and improves your aesthetics. Those who choose this procedure usually achieve more shaped hair, with more shine, softer and lighter hair. This technique, as well as organic sealing, also helps to reduce the volume and frizz of the locks.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Thermal Sealing

Every procedure has its pros and cons and, before performing any procedure, it might be interesting to know about it. So, to learn more about it, just keep reading.

Among the advantages, it is possible to highlight the fact that it has a high power of nutrition and hydration, it rebuilds the strands, aids in the hair's aesthetics, giving more shine, it has progressive action and can be done at home, significantly reducing costs.

Among the disadvantages, there is the fact that the sealing is not definitive and lasts, at most, three months. And, although many people think otherwise, thermal sealing does not straighten hair. Other than that, the delay for this technique to be applied to the threads must be taken into account.

How to make organic hair sealer?

Organic sealing can be done at home. But to do this, make sure you follow the correct steps. And, if you don't have any experience with hair procedures, look for a professional you trust to ensure the best result.

If you have no experience with hair procedures, we recommend that you do the organic seal with a professional.

For the procedure, just choose the most suitable organic sealant for your hair type. Many women wonder if organic seal damages the hair, and to ensure that this does not happen, it is essential to choose the appropriate product.

Once you've found the product that best fits your expectations, all you have to do is:

  1. Wash the strands with an anti-residue shampoo to open the cuticles and remove any chemical residues
  2. Remove excess water and divide hair into strands;
  3. Apply the product on each strand;
  4. Let it act for the time recommended by the manufacturer;
  5. Rinse hair and untangle with a brush;
  6. Use a blow dryer to dry the strands as this will help to activate the product.
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