Oily skin see tips to take good care of your skin

With the advent of summer, strong sunlight, heat and increased skin perspiration create a perfect environment for the appearance of blackheads and pimples.

During this period, people with oily skin are more susceptible to these problems, “at high temperatures, we sweat more and that's why.

Dust, dust and even sunlight stimulate the sebaceous glands and leave the skin oily”, explains Manoela Fassina, dermatologist at clinic Leger.

So what kind of care is needed? To solve this problem, dermatologist Manoela answered some questions.

– Can every blackhead become pimple?

The sebaceous glands in our skin produce a secretion, which we call sebum, and release it to maintain the moisture, lubrication, and protection of oily skin.

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The holes through which the hair passes are what we call pores, when it clogs the sebum, blackheads form.

Blackheads don't always turn into acne, when that happens it's because the bacteria multiply.

They end up feeding on the sebum accumulated in the area, creating an inflammatory process.

– Does cleaning the skin help in the treatment of acne?

Yes. It is necessary to distinguish deep cleansing of the skin by trained professionals from daily cleansing.

For deep cleansing, we generally recommend cleaning between 30 and 40 days, which is the interval between oily skin renewal.

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For daily care, we recommend that you use a soap special grease to clean the skin, usually twice a day.

Oily skin also needs to be moisturized, and this product will be used according to the patient's injury.

– Should people with oily skin use sunscreen in summer?

Yes, today the industry has finally invested in many sunscreens for oily or acne prone skin.

These filters have dry touch, oil control and coloring effects.

One of the complaints of patients with oily skin is that after a long time using the filter, they will feel the oiliness of the skin faster.

For this reason, we recommend that you use some products that contain dry substances to help suppress the formation of blackheads and acne.

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– Can eating during the end of the year help the appearance of acne?

Yes, the medical literature says that foods with a high glycemic index are fatty, high in sugar.

Containing milk and dairy products or white flour, which can stimulate the sebaceous glands and worsen the oiliness of the skin.

– Does makeup worsen blackheads and pimples this season?

“It's okay to use cosmetics. As long as they are not acne products, the substances they contain are more likely to clog.

Hair follicles and do not contain oil, some people have even pointed out that some cosmetics are because they contain dry substances for acne.

This is a big problem, as far as makeup is concerned, it's very clean, you shouldn't use these sleeping products because they can clog.

Hair follicles and their condition worsen, which is why you should remove all cosmetics when you go home.

– Can anti-acne treatments be done in the summer?

Even if it is the frequency of exposure to the sun at this time of year.

Also, be sure to use facial tonics and astringents to maintain the oily feel of the season.