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Night wetting oils

In today's article, we'll look at all about oils for nighttime wetting.

Have you ever heard of night wetting oils?? So, this is the topic that we will bring to you today, we recommend the utmost attention, so that no one remains in doubt at the end of the content proposed here, as it is a subject much requested by women. So let's stop small talk, and let's get to what really matters, which is to resolve all your doubts.

Many do not know, but yes, it is possible to perform entire treatments while you sleep. And with nocturnal wetting, this dream can come true. In general, wetting works as follows. If you don't have enough time during the days due to the rush, apply the product in question and let it take effect overnight. It's pretty easy to do the process. So the excuses are over, because the hair treatment in question, makes the hair stronger and more nourished.

What is nocturnal wetting?

Learn All About Night Wetting Now

To carry out the standard procedure, your locks should take an oil bath for nighttime moistening before bed, and only the next day should be washed. The oils are vegetable 100%, and are able to replenish enough oils capable of completely recovering the strands that have been damaged, either by any factor, including the constant use of chemicals that are aggressive to hair health.

Night wetting oils, it is a nourishment pump, and are indicated for locks that have a greater dryness, afro-style hair is a practical example. Curly and curly hair, in turn, is drier, because the natural oils have a lot of difficulty in reaching the ends, so this treatment is perfect for the types of hair in question, but those who have straight hair can do it without problems.

Night wetting oils are excellent products, capable of nourishing and strengthening the strands, but know that there is BeautyVip Hair, a product of extreme quality, which helps to fortify the locks, in addition to strengthening them, and providing an extra shine to them. It is worth knowing the products of this brand, which is considered a reference in the fashion and beauty market today.

Step by step for quality nighttime wetting

Learn how to make a quality night wet.

We will now explain the step-by-step steps for quality night-time wetting. The first important step is to apply your preferred vegetable moisturizing oil 100% to each lock of your hair. Massage the entire scalp so that blood circulation is activated. Try to purchase night-time moisturizing oils that do not contain sulfate, silicone, petrolatum and parabens.

The second step is to remove the excess, with the help of a towel, then it is necessary to cover the threads, so that the product can act during the night, use a shower cap or fabric, it cannot be thermal caps. And finally, the third and last step requires hair washing the next day. You can wash with the treatment line of your choice. It's worth looking for products that help boost your hydration, so that your hair is perfect and ready to face the day to day.

Check out other tips

Night moisturizing oils are an amazing treatment for your hair if it's really dry. We also recommend that you look into investing in a capillary schedule, so you can plan for a more than complete treatment. The capillary schedule consists of steps that help in hydration and reconstruction, it also has the nutrition part, but with night moistening oils, this step can be considered resolved. Intersperse the treatment of the capillary schedule, for an average period of 4 weeks, below we have a suggestion that can help you in this process.

1st Week: Hydration – Nutrition – Hydration
2nd Week: Nutrition – Reconstruction – Hydration
3rd Week: Nutrition – Hydration – Nutrition
4th Week: Hydration – Nutrition – Reconstruction

Oil Suggestions for Night Wetting

Coconut oil

Coconut nightly moisturizing oil has numerous benefits, some of them being the ability to fight dandruff in addition to the bad oiliness of the scalp. It is very rich in vitamins E, K, iron and fatty acid. It also helps in hair growth, in addition to contributing to the shine and softness of the locks, in addition to keeping the strands aligned.

Olive oil

Olive oil has benefits that help to strengthen hair strands, in addition to helping to reduce damage caused by solar radiation. It is also rich in vitamins E and A complex. It has antioxidant action, protects the hair reducing frizz. Olive oil can penetrate deep into the cuticles and can bring more benefits than those mentioned for the locks.

Castor oil 

This oil is recommended for those who want to have the hair strengthened, in addition to fighting capillary breakage. Castor oil has the ability to accelerate hair growth, it is very rich in E complex vitamins and Fatty Acids. Among the benefits that castor oil has, it can combat hair oiliness and dandruff. Hair hydration is another factor worth mentioning.

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