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Does Skin Oil Cause Acne? Learn more about it

Acne is one of the most common problems faced by young people around the world, there are several factors that can contribute to the emergence of acne, for example: the change in hormones during adolescence, the influence of certain foods, but have you ever stopped to wonder if does oil on the skin cause acne?

This is a question asked by several women who even after the puberty period continue to have problems with the famous and unwanted pimples on the face, which if removed from the shape can cause skin spots and also leave some scars, which makes many people embarrassed with that unwanted factor. 

But did you know that oiliness is a predisposition that collaborates with the appearance of acnes on the skin, it is also possible to note that many people who have problems with acnes already have oily skin, so it is necessary to maintain proper care with the same. O BeautyVip Hair It is a great option, the capsule keeps the skin hydrated and illuminated, in addition to aiding hair and nail growth. 

Skin with small wounds caused by acne.

How to prevent acne breakouts on oily skin 

For people who have very oily skin, care to prevent acne from appearing should be twice as high, as it is a factor that contributes to the constant appearance of "pimples". A very important factor and that should be common in everyone's daily life is to wash your face with soap to remove impurities, both acquired in your daily life, and makeup remains.  

An extremely method that you can do every day and as a consequence will help to reduce the oiliness of your skin is to wash your face with soap every day in the morning when you wake up and in the night before going to sleep, repeat the procedure, it is recommended that you cleaning of the face is done separately outside the bath. 

It is important to emphasize that those who have oil should always keep it hydrated, as it prevents the production of sebum from being large and happening in a controlled manner, the use of oil-free protectors is also important and it can be used at any time of the day. . 

If your skin is full of pimples or has the possibility of developing easily, before using skin moisturizing products you should consult a dermatologist, as certain products used on skin prone to developing acne can still cause more inflation on the skin, it is necessary to seek a qualified professional and use the product that will least harm your skin. 

Another important factor to emphasize is that many women develop acne on the skin and oiliness after starting the continuous use of contraceptives, many of them influence the production of sebum not only on the face but on the whole body and another very affected place is the chest region and the back, many people have resistance in exchange for contraceptive pill on the other and seek alternative treatments with dermatologists.  

When you consume contraceptive pills, it has an effect that can modify the hormones, the best thing is for you to see your doctor and ask to change your contraceptive, because you can control certain with other drugs, but the amount of oil in the your skin will still be large and one factor will take, acnes can subside, but it is almost impossible to eliminate them completely. 

Nowadays, with quick access, many young people who fight acne are looking for different ways to eliminate pimples from the body, but many are not aware that the greatest care can be in the way it takes care of the skin or even a simple daily consumption remedy can cause adverse reactions.  

The best option to improve the treatment of acne is not always homemade recipes, as they can generate allergic reactions in some people and cause even greater damage to the skin of those who are already dealing with the problem and at this moment it is necessary to seek a professional If you are qualified, it is best for you to look for a dermatologist, because in addition to using products that will help with acne, they will also give you the best cream or ointment that will no longer irritate the skin that has suffered any allergic reaction. 

Illustrative image of a contraceptive pill pack.

Many people who believe that some foods they generate acne, but there are other factors more common among the majority of the population that cause pimples to appear on the skin. There are people who maintain excellent nutrition and still have problems with it. 

However, it is possible to say to maintain acne-free skin control is to maintain a good cleaning, it is not necessary to perform the famous Skincare that many bloggers use, with various types of creams and soaps, a simple washing with soap daily during the mornings and night will help your skin to deal with acne. It is important to remember that maintaining daily hydration will also bring good results. 

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