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Natural anti-dandruff: check out natural tips and recipes to treat this problem

If you suffer from a dandruff problem, you must have already looked for some shampoo to treat this problem. However, did you know that there is natural anti-dandruff? That's right, through some recipes and natural tips, it is possible to treat this so unwanted problem. Want to know more about this subject? So just check out the tips in this article!

Dedicated products for treatment, sometimes, may not be enough. If that's the case for you, maybe it's time to try some natural anti-dandruff.

Dandruff is a bodily response that suggests that the scalp is unhealthy. So, to ensure the most beautiful, hydrated and healthier locks, we strongly recommend the use of BeautyVip Hair, as it is able to keep our hair much stronger and healthier.

However, if you already suffer from this problem, and want a natural anti-dandruff alternative, know that it is perfectly possible. However, to ensure that these recipes will work on your scalp, it's a good idea to make sure you do the right step-by-step instructions. These and other information you will see in this post.

What is dandruff?

Popularly known as dandruff, this problem is characterized by inflammation accompanied by white and sometimes yellowish scaling. In addition to causing scalp peeling, this problem is accompanied by itchiness, red spots and, in the most severe cases, irritation and sores.

This is a significantly common problem, given that around 2 million cases are diagnosed each year in Brazil alone. However, despite being common, there is a lot of misinformation about this problem.

As an example, it is possible to say that many people are not even aware of the existence of two types of dandruff; one that develops on dry or oily scalp. So much so that many people say that the dandruff shampoos they don't work when, in reality, the shampoo just isn't right for your type of dandruff.

What Causes Dandruff?

Just as it may be beneficial for you to know natural antidandruff, it is even more important to know what causes this problem, because, by changing certain habits, it is possible to make the problem gradually alleviate or not have its recurrence.

There are several factors that cause dandruff, the most common being frequent use of a hat/cap and incorrect cleaning of the scalp. Other than that, excessive oils, genetics, stress, accumulation of creams and washing the scalp with hot water can also contribute to the development of dandruff.

Also, sleeping with wet hair can also make dandruff easier. After all, when we lie down with wet hair, our scalp is more susceptible to the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, including Pityrosporum ovale, the fungus responsible for dandruff.

So, one of the first lessons to treat / alleviate dandruff is doing exactly the opposite of everything mentioned above. Clean the scalp correctly, avoid using too much hat or cap and never sleep with wet hair.

Which natural antidandruff should I use?

In addition to the shampoos that control dandruff, there are some natural anti-dandruff that can also be used to treat this problem. And, in the next topics, we'll talk more about them, as well as the correct way to use them.

Apple vinegar

Although there are not many studies that prove the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar as a natural anti-dandruff, it is known that the vinegar is a powerful disinfectant, able to eliminate bacteria and fungi, exactly what motivates the appearance of dandruff.

Other than that, apple cider vinegar as a natural anti-dandruff helps to remove dead cells present on the scalp and remove excess oil. Therefore, to use this ingredient to treat dandruff, mix ½ cup apple cider vinegar with ½ cup water.

Then, just dip a cotton of the mixture and go through the entire scalp. Leave on for about 20 minutes and, after the time, just rinse with cold water. Repeat this process once a day, until the dandruff is eliminated.

Lemon juice

As it is an acidic food, it contributes to capillary acidification, balancing the ph and oiliness of the scalp. Other than that, it also fights dandruff by eliminating fungi and bacteria.

As it is an acid product, in addition to killing the fungus responsible for dandruff, lemon juice brings other benefits to the locks.

To use lemon as a natural anti-dandruff, just squeeze the juice from a lemon. Afterwards, dip a cotton ball in the juice and apply it all over the scalp. Leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

Malaleuca Oil

Malaleuca oil is a great natural anti-dandruff as it has antiseptic properties that help to remove and fight fungi and bacteria. So much so that this oil is widely used to treat skin infections, for example.

To use it to reduce dandruff, just put a little shampoo in your hand and then mix 1 or 2 drops of the oil and then apply it on your head. Or, if you like, you can apply a few drops of oil directly into the shampoo container.

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