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Circular mustache: Here's how to make it at home

Today, we will explain you about the circular mustache technique, which can be done even in the comfort of your own home.

The circular mustache is the main helper for many women who are going through the hair transition. Today we're going to teach you how to use a circular mustache, whether you're in hair transition or not, so write down the tips. 

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What is Mustache?

Now we will explain to you what the circular mustache technique is all about.

The circular mustache comes in various designs and sizes. It is widely used to bring the curly texture to many women who are going through the hair transition, that is, they leave to the bigudim the function of curling the hair where there is still chemistry. 

Now let's talk a little bit about each type of mustache. Grab your notebook and write down about them, so you can finally decide which one suits you best. 

Circular mustache:

First let's start with the circular mustache, this is the most used and most easily found type. You can find it on the internet and even in cosmetic stores. It is a straw made of plastic, where you curl your hair all the way. After the mustache is all filled, just join one end to the other, it will form a circle and that's where the name circular mustache came from. 

Flexible mustache:

The flexible mustache is very famous abroad, being easily found in foreign countries, but it is also found in Brazil. Its advantage is that it is easily found in many shapes and sizes, so you will easily find the type for your specific hair length.

Your step-by-step procedure is done as follows: you need to put it to the root, so start by placing the mustache horizontally, winding strand by strand until you reach the root. To ensure it holds your locks, you need to double up the remaining piece of mustache. 

Spiral mustache:

Speaking now of the spiral mustache, it ends up being the more traditional option, being a somewhat old method and used by more adult women, such as your grandmother, aunt and mother. To start putting it, you need to keep in mind that you must also put it to the root, so you need to place the ends of the strands right in the middle of the mustache horizontally, just wind it from the bottom up to the top.

To secure it, it is necessary to use a hair band or one that comes with the mustache, after all this, the procedure will be completed. Now we are going to teach you and guide you about step-by-step care, they must be done to the letter, so that the result is not below expectations. 

First, you will need the following materials: hairpins, barrettes, styling cream and of course, the big mustaches. The size of the accessories, you decide according to your preference. Just to remind you in case you forgot, the bigger mustaches form curls larger and thinner form the smallest. 

What care should I take?

As with any other hair procedure, some care must be taken when making the mustache.

Starting with care, first of all, you need to make sure you have cleaned your hair, as it needs to be clean for the procedure, and it also needs to be untangled and damp. Once this is done, make several small locks, securing them with toothless clips so as not to harm the hair.

With that, start to pass the cream to comb strand by strand, winding them in the mustache, starting with the ends and going to the root, if you prefer, use hairpins to get them stuck. Remembering to do this procedure on all the strands you have separated. 

With that, you have to wait for the locks to dry, if you prefer, use a dryer to speed up the process. To finish the procedure, carefully remove the whiskers lock by lock. 

Understand now how to do the procedure with the little mustaches in your frizzy hair, you who dream of having those perfect curls seen on TV or any other means of communication, do not worry that we will teach you how to have it, as it is simple to do it in your Own house. It is necessary that you have a lot of patience and that you are dedicated to the procedure, in order to obtain the best possible result. 

We will teach you how to make the mustache circular, being the most used among all ways. Its advantage is that it has a hollow tip and a thinner tip. The procedure only starts when you have clean hair, then moisturize it, it is recommended to use vegetable oil. 

The procedure starts by dividing your hair into thin strands, then wrap them around your open mustache. Right after having made the application, you need to make an “S” with the mustache, this format makes the definition of the curls with the best definition possible.

Knowing this step, do it on all the remaining hair, making sure that all are well applied, with this wait the time of your choice or until you feel that the curls are already well defined. After that, start to loosen them, using a finisher in the form of a spray to help you.  

After performing this entire process with the necessary care, you will now have the long-awaited defined curls. Therefore, you need to pay close attention to the smallest details so that everything runs smoothly. 

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