Moon bath at home: learn how to do it

The moon bath at home is done by many Brazilian women, also known as the golden bath. The technique consists of lightening the hair overnight. In this post we will teach you how to make the best homemade moon bath.

The moon bath is not a 7-headed animal, the technique is easy and very practical. To make the moon bath at home you will need only two ingredients, hydrogen peroxide and bleaching powder. Many women perform this procedure during the day, but the process becomes more dangerous as the chemicals in contact with the skin and the sun's rays can do great damage.

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The chemistry between bleach powder and hydrogen peroxide is extremely strong. A series of care is needed to avoid suffering the consequences. We do not recommend that the process be done during the day, so that it is not so abrasive. So let's go to some precautions that should be taken before making the moon bath at home.

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Care before the moon bath:

Always opt for quality products, they can make a total difference in the result of the process, never use hydrogen peroxide that has a volume greater than 20, this volume will already be enough to bring the expected result. Never let the product act for more than 30 minutes on the body.

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The use of vegetable oils is essential in the homemade moon bath.

It is necessary to take into account that the product will be in contact with the skin, if left for more than the indicated time, it can cause serious burns, stains or wounds on the skin.
Always before doing the process, choose to apply some vegetable oils, such as almond oil, argan oil, grape oil or even coconut oil. These oils will form a protective layer on the skin, making the chemistry less aggressive.

It is necessary to carry out the allergy test.

Before taking the moon bath at home, do a small test to check that you are not allergic to the product. Apply a small amount of the mixture to your wrist and let it act for 5 to 10 minutes. If after this time with the product on the skin you do not feel any burning or itching, you are free to do the moon bath at home.

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Now we are going to teach you step by step how to make a moon bath at home: in a container mix the hydrogen peroxide 20 volumes and the bleaching powder, mix until obtaining a homogeneous cream. Now put on a bikini and apply vegetable oil to all the areas you want to bleach your hair.

Now, using a paintbrush, apply the mixture to the body and let it act for the indicated period of 30 minutes. If you notice any burning, itchy or uncomfortable skin, remove the product completely from the body.
After the 30 minutes, go to the shower and prefer to remove the product with cold or natural water.

Make sure you remove the product completely and from all areas where it was applied. There should be no traces of the product on the body, use moisturizing soaps to hydrate and restore skin health. after the bath, dry completely and apply moisturizer on body. Look for lotions that have a calming effect, aloe vera or chamomile are great options for this moment.

After moon bath care:

The care after performing the moon bath at home does not end there, they must continue for at least 3 days after the procedure. Avoid exposing your skin to the sun and if you need it, apply sunscreen and don't forget to use a moisturizer every day. It is very important to take care of your skin after such an aggressive process.

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There must be an interval of at least 15 days between a moon bath at home and another. Our skin is very sensitive and the process when done in excess can cause several problems. Dry skin, cracks and small wounds can appear if the interval is not respected.

In case you don't feel safe in having a moon bath at home, there are several places that do this. In many tanning houses this procedure is commonly performed, and it is always good to be monitored by a professional in the field in these procedures. Now that you know more about moon bathing at home and the risks involved if the procedure isn't done correctly, you're all set.

Invest in the best products, in a good vegetable oil and follow the steps to the letter, from the procedure to the care throughout the days. With this technique you will guarantee the golden threads without much effort. Remember to respect your body in case of any allergic reaction, and the 15-day time to perform the process again.