Mixed skin: learn the necessary care for this type of skin

Mixed skin is perhaps one of the types of skin that require some very detailed care and it is not always easy to take care of, but today we are going to explain to you some care that we must have to take care of this type of skin.

One of the most striking features of those with mixed skin is the oily T region of our face, this region encompasses our forehead, nose and our chin, and the rest of the face has drier skin, so it is necessary to take care of it either side or any exaggeration on either side.

Keeping strong allies for this care with our skin is very important, for that we have the vitamin complexes from BeautyVip Hair, in addition to helping in the deep hydration of the skin and increasing even more the freshness of our skin, its capsules also help those women who are getting dark skin and without any shine.

How to care for mixed skin?

To care for mixed skin you need some techniques a little different from other skin types.

To care for mixed skin, some important precautions are necessary, and one of the main ones is that those who have this type of skin need more than anyone else to maintain even more frequent skin care.

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It is necessary to frequently do a good skin cleansing, so that you prevent your pores from clogging and further increasing the oiliness of your T-zone of the face, thus using products that do not contain oil, but that are also not too dry.

You can also do a facial scrub whenever you can, but it is recommended that this scrub be done on different days, one day you take care of the driest part of your face and after a few days you will take care of the oiliest part of your face. Facial exfoliation can help you control oiliness in your T-zone.

that you can't sleep in makeup a lot of people already know, but for people with mixed skin this care needs to be doubled, some makeup increases the oiliness of our skin and the prolonged use of these products can make your oily skin stand out even more.

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It is very important to keep both regions moisturized, so it is necessary to find a moisturizer on the market that has both benefits, which is not for very dry skin or for very oily skin, it is necessary to find a balance between the two.

Products that have a gel texture are the most recommended for combination skin.

Formulas that do not contain oil in their composition and that have a gel-cream texture are the most suitable for those with mixed skin, the gel-cream texture will leave your skin more hydrated, but without having that heavy texture, and being oil-free will keep your T-zone from getting even oilier.

Those with mixed skin have to be very careful with both regions of the face, in the driest part of the face, if it is not properly and daily cared for, some expression lines may appear earlier than you think, due to skin dehydration .

It is always necessary to use sunscreen, not only for those with mixed skin, but for all skin types, exposure to the sun can leave your oily part of the face even more with an oily texture, and dry out your face even more. the driest part of the face, so it is important to use sunscreen frequently and daily before leaving the house.

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Face masks are great options for those with mixed skin, they will leave your skin more hydrated, give a fresher air to your skin, and it is great because many masks that help control oiliness and deep skin hydration .

Mixed skin also needs good hygiene, it needs to be washed 2 to 3 times a day to prevent your T-zone from becoming even more oily and to help with these elements, you can look for a soap that hydrates and controls oiliness by Same time.

Consuming foods that have vitamins and proteins, being rich in fiber, help even more for healthy skin and to activate even more the skin's freshness, thus increasing all the components necessary for it and leaving the two regions with the particular care of each one. .