Mesotherapy for localized fat: see what it's for

There are several ways to increase our self-esteem, through aesthetic treatments. Some are a little more invasive, and need a lot of special care, before and after they're done. Others, because they are a little simpler, already allow the patient to resume their activities a few hours after the procedure. One of these procedures, with a lower degree of complexity, is the famous mesotherapy for localized fat, which has taken several women throughout Brazil to aesthetic clinics.  

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But today we are here to talk about mesotherapy treatment for localized fat. If you, like thousands of other people, haven't heard about this minimally invasive procedure, stay tuned with us and we'll explain. 

What is mesotherapy for localized fat? 

Let's talk a little more about this treatment.

Mesotherapy for localized fat, as its name suggests, is a minimally invasive treatment, capable of eliminating the famous localized fat, which causes discomfort and inconveniences in thousands and thousands of women around the world.  

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Our body, due to several reasons, is able to accumulate energy reserves (fat) in some specific points of the body. This action usually causes a lot of headaches in women, because once reserved, this fat becomes somewhat difficult to be eliminated.  

One of the main reasons for the appearance of localized fat is lack of body care and lack of control when eating fatty foods. It is usually located on the hips, glutes and thighs.  

But what is mesotherapy for localized fat for? 

This treatment acts directly on these regions, which are suffering from excessive fat accumulation, through the application of enzymes and vitamins, which are capable of eliminating localized fat. These nutrients are applied in the region of mesoderm (one of the skin layers) 

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Does mesotherapy for localized fat hurt a lot?  

As stated above, this procedure is not as invasive as others. Before applying the injections, the professional responsible for the treatment of mesotherapy for localized fat will apply a dose of local anesthetic, so that you will feel practically no pain.  

If you are concerned about recovery time, be aware that you will be able to resume your tasks a few hours after the procedure. There is no standard number of mesotherapy sessions for localized fat, as this will vary from case to case. For example, for a large amount of localized fat, a few extra doses will be needed.  

Does mesotherapy for localized fat work for other things? 

This is a very pertinent question, because unlike other aesthetic procedures, which serve only one purpose, mesotherapy is also capable of combating other ailments in our body. Let's list some of its other uses: 

Fights hair loss: 

That's right, mesotherapy can also help you, if you are going through the problem of loss of hair. It works like this: the professional responsible for the treatment will make a mixture of minoxidil, with other remedies such as lidocaine or finasteida. Hair growth hormones can also be applied, but this will be at the professional's discretion.  

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To treat hair loss in moderate volumes, 3 to 4 sessions may be needed, spaced 1 month from one session to another.  


Cellulite can also be fought through mesotherapy. During the 3 or 4 sessions (1 month of difference for each session), the responsible professional will apply some doses of medicines based on Hyaluronidase and Collagenase  

Aging of the skin:  

For those who want to give that rejuvenated skin, know that mesotherapy, when done through the application of vitamins A, C, and E and some acids, which are able to keep the skin exfoliated and protected from the action of darkening spots.  

Contraindications of mesotherapy for localized fat and other purposes: 

Let's show you now, if you fit into the group of people who can go through this procedure.

If you suffer from heart, kidney or any type of treatment using anticoagulants, mesotherapy is more than contraindicated. If by chance you are not yet 18 years of age or are pregnant, the esthetician will not allow you to undergo the procedure. People with autoimmune diseases (AIDS and others) cannot undergo mesotherapy either.  

Anyway, we hope you enjoyed all our content about mesotherapy for localized fat. To the next!