Cornflower progressive: learn step-by-step how to make it at home

The progressive is one of the procedures most sought after by women, who want to give a fresh look, through hair straightening. However, many of them have also been looking for homemade alternatives, which usually generate much less damage to the hair, than chemical procedures performed in beauty salons. That's why we brought here, the step by step of how to make progressive cornstarch at home.

cornflower progressive
Despite being a well-known hair treatment, there are still women who are unaware of the procedure for progressive cornstarch.

But before you do any type of transformation on the hair, it is necessary that it is strong and healthy, otherwise the results may not come out as expected. That's why we recommend the Divas vitamin, the capsule BeautyVip Hair, which contains in a single capsule, everything the hair needs to grow strong and healthy.

What is a progressive?

THE progressive it can be a well-known hair treatment, however many women still confuse it with simpler treatments, such as relaxing the hair with a straightener. The progressive acts directly on the structure of the wires, making them smooth, and protected against the action of frizz.

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The common progressive generates many controversies, because despite being a very long-lasting treatment, the excess of chemical products used during the application, end up leaving many women's hair standing on end. However, as a home procedure, our cornstarch progressive will leave your hair looking amazing, causing much less damage than a salon progressive.

Our cornstarch progressive recipes are the perfect outlet for those who have dyed hair, and cannot go through the common procedure, due to the risk of breakage and dryness in dyed hair. Pregnant women can also bet on these homemade recipes without any fear, as it does not contain harmful chemicals like the conventional progressive.

Cornstarch progressive recipes

The cornstarch progressive can be done in several ways, and that's why we've separated for you, the best and most effective ones for those who want to give a new face to the locks through straightening.

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Corn and milk progressive

All you will need is: 4 spoons of cornstarch; half a cup of milk; 4 scoops of moisturizing mask and, if desired, 1 scoop of sugar to seal the cuticles. You will add in a pan, all the ingredients (minus the sugar), and stir over low heat for about 3 minutes, until you get a consistent cream.

Make a pre shampoo with moisturizing cream diluted in water, and then wash your hair with unsalted shampoo. Then just separate the locks, and apply our mixture evenly in each of the locks. Remember to untangle the strands before applying, and wait about 1 hour to remove everything with a rinse.

Cornstarch and vinegar progressive

For this recipe, all you'll need is: 2 tablespoons of non-alcoholic apple cider vinegar; 4 tablespoons of cornstarch; 4 tablespoons of moisturizing mask and half a cup of water. Now just add the cornstarch and water in a pan, bring to low heat, stirring well until it thickens. Then just mix the hydration mask into the mixture and then the vinegar.

Cornstarch and vinegar progressive
The use of vinegar on the hair is highly encouraged, as long as it is done correctly, as in our cornstarch progressive.

With the hair washed with shampoo, just separate the hair strand by strand, and add our mixture to the strands. Then just put a thermal cap under your hair, and wait about 30 minutes. In this recipe, just finish with a rinse under running water.

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Cornstarch progressive with vegetable and essential oils

This recipe is a little different, as we are going to microwave six spoons of milk and one spoon of cornstarch mixed together for about 20 seconds. The ideal is that you already have your hair washed and untangled before making the process in the microwave.

Now just add to our mix: A little bit of coconut oil, castor oil, a crushed aspirin tablet, moisturizing mask, and an orange broth. Mix all the ingredients and apply to each lock of hair, leaving it to act for about two hours. Then just wash it under running water and apply a little liquid keratin to the hair, leaving it to act for about two hours and washing the hair with shampoo and conditioner.

These were our recipes for today, we hope you can make your hair transformations at home!