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Healthy Long Hair – How to keep it?

There is a saying that the longer the wires, the more difficult it is to take care of them. Do you agree with this and want to know how to keep long hair healthy? In this article, we'll give you some practical tips. Check out!

Want to keep your long hair healthy but don't know how? So follow our tips.

Keeping long hair healthy can be an easier task as long as you make use of the BeautyVip Hair, since, due to its composition, it always tries to keep the hair healthy, hydrated and resistant.

However, in order to ensure even more beautiful and silky hair, in addition to making use of the capsules, it may be interesting for you to start applying some practical tips. Want to know what they are? So just continue with this article.

What does long hair need?

Each type of hair needs special care. If you have curly hair, it is common to perform some procedures that women with straight hair do not take, for example.

Therefore, if you want to have healthy long hair, due to the length of the strands, it is important that you adopt some precautions that other women do not take. First of all, it's important that you find out your wires and understand what they need.

With this, we are trying to tell you to pay attention to the needs of the yarns. For example, if you notice he needs hydration, focus on hydration. On the other hand, if he needs nutrition, bet on a nourishing mask.

If you have straight hair, you might want to bet on a hair schedule for straight hair, for example.

keep attention to the tips

All hair produces a natural sebum (oil) in the scalp. And so that the threads are hydrated and shiny, this sebum passes through our entire capillary extension. Now, if you have very long hair, this oil may not reach the ends.

So, the first tip for healthy long hair is just to pay attention to the ends. If you notice they are split, frizzy, or dry, opt for some moisturizing to keep all your hair beautiful and moisturized.

How to keep long hair healthy?

To keep long hair healthy at all times, it is important that you change or add some habit. In the next topics, we will list some of the precautions you should take to keep long hair healthy. Check out.

be careful when pinning the hair

If you leave your hair too tight, without “breathing”, you end up making it more susceptible to breakage. This bad habit can even cause traction alopecia, which results from hair loss and increasingly unhealthy hair.

But it's also good to be careful when loosening the locks. According to experts, it is important to choose elastic or fabric-coated loops, without metal.

Remove split ends

Some professionals, to keep long hair healthy, claim that it is necessary to do constant maintenance on the ends of the hair. There is even a technique called “hair embroidery” to ensure healthy and beautiful ends.

For this technique, the professional twists some locks and removes, with scissors, the hairs that are protruding or “remaining”. This way, in addition to avoiding frizz, it keeps the strands more aligned.

comb carefully

To prevent your hair from breaking and becoming weaker, it is important that, when combing your hair, you do it correctly and with the greatest possible care. Aggressively undoing the knots is a very common mistake.

Many women don't have healthy long hair because they comb the wrong way.

To untangle, it is recommended to always start from the bottom up. That is, start to untangle the ends first. Climb up as you eliminate the knots, and if you're going to do it wet, use an appropriate brush.

take care of the scalp

To keep long hair healthy, in addition to paying attention to the ends, it is also good to pay attention to the well-being of your scalp. After all, this is where the natural oils are produced.

We recommend that you use appropriate products to care for the scalp, such as specific lotions, shampoos, or exfoliants that, in addition to providing cleansing, stimulate blood circulation.

Avoid excessive high temperatures

Dryers, flat irons and stylers, by stealing water and protein from the threads, make them weaker, more brittle and vulnerable to external aggressions. Therefore, it is good to avoid using a flat iron every day.

But if you really want to use it, at least apply a thermal protector to reduce the damage caused to the wires. Also, avoid moisturizing or soaking the strands in hot water, as this also tends to make them more brittle.

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