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Dark Lips: Causes, Problems and Care

Since social media filters like Instagram started to be used a lot to hide imperfections, having dark lips seems to have become a problem, as many filters have the characteristic of reddening the lips to give that feeling of health in addition to highlighting the mouth and make it more beautiful in the photo.

This search, for the perfect mouth, has led young people and adults to perform aesthetic procedures, increasingly to look good on social networks and neutralize dark lips. And such procedures are not limited to the female audience, even some men have adhered to such procedures.

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Having a dark spot on your lips or skin can be something natural to your skin or not, it all depends on the appearance, texture and whether the spot grows or not. Therefore, it is always good to look for a specialist to have a diagnosis. But when it's something natural to their skin, some women take advantage of the lipstick, cover up those little blemishes, and don't live without it.

But with the technology there are already procedures such as micropigmentation of dark lips that leave a lasting and natural-looking effect. But we'll take a closer look at some options later in this article.

Reasons for dark lips:

The use of lip balm is extremely important to protect your lips from the action of ultraviolet rays, in this article we will see other tips for the care of your lips.

The color of anyone's lips can have a different tone, the concentration of pigmentation and certain places in our body are different. But when it is necessary to be careful and observe well. The appearance of blemishes and dark lips must be observed, once the genetic factor has been ruled out, there are some factors that can cause lesions and change the appearance of the skin in this region. We'll look at some of these factors below.

– Cigarette: smoking is a very harmful act to the health of the mouth, as it has carcinogenic substances it can affect the skin in the mouth region, causing from spots to contribute to the appearance of mouth cancer. Nicotine can cause a grayish color to the skin of the lips, disappearing only with treatment and stopping smoking.

– Herpes: lesions caused by the herpes virus can leave dark spots on the lips depending on the depth of the tissue damage and the extent of the wound.

– Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome: Causes the appearance of small spots both on the lips and inside the mouth, it is a rare disease of genetic origin, non-transmissible that leaves a dark spot on the lips.

– Sun: The sun has a wavelength capable of penetrating the deeper layers of the skin causing lesions, and the skin of the lips is no different. Failure to use a lip balm that has sunscreen can cause lesions that leave lips dark.

Skin cancer: When reaching the lips region, skin cancer can cause from whitish or reddish spots, associated with burning or burning in the area, desquamation and the appearance of some wounds that do not heal, leaving trauma and bruises in the mouth region.

– Cosmetics: some people may be allergic to certain products. That's why it's always good to check the components on the label and if you are not allergic to any component of the formula that can cause an inflammatory process and consequently make your lips dark.

Other factors that can cause darkening of the lips are: anemia, hormonal imbalance, and even the use of certain medications, among others. In any case, a specialist doctor should be sought to check.

How to improve the appearance and color of lips?

Micropigmentation has been widely used, but before opting for this procedure, there are some care tips.

After discarding the possibility of health problems, which revolve around the subject of dark lips, here are some tips to improve and help leave your lips with a healthy color and appearance:

– Hydrate yourself the consumption of water helps to remove the dry appearance and dark lips. The consumption of water in the necessary amount is extremely important to keep your body healthy and your mouth looking good.

Use moisturizing lip products with cocoa butter, especially in periods of cold, dry weather. During hot weather, do not forget to use lip balm, preferably with sunscreen.

– doing lip exfoliation helps to remove the look of dark lips and helps in cell renewal; you can make an exfoliation yourself at home with brown sugar and honey. Mixing the two and making a small portion of a paste to be applied to the lips massaging in a circular fashion. Repeating once a week.

– dark lips micropigmentation is an option widely used by bloggers and people who work with the image. It's a procedure similar to tattooing, but it's done right on the surface of the skin, so that with exfoliation and cell renewal the procedure goes away. Due to its practicality and durability, it has been much sought after, for covering up the dark stains on the lips.

These tips can help to lighten the skin on your lips, help with cell renewal and consequently change the color and appearance of your lips, but it is always good to remember that before doing a process such as micropigmentation of the lips, it is good to look for a professional to make an assessment.

You should avoid running your tongue over your lips, as there are digestive enzymes in it, which can cause stains to appear and leave dark cracks in the lips, in addition to leaving the lips dry lips.

And never rub lemon on the skin of your lips or the skin around your mouth and then expose yourself to the sun, as the acid in lemon can stain your skin when it comes into contact with the sun and can make the skin on your lips look dark.

Finally, it is always good to remember that a hydrated and beautiful mouth must be accompanied by wonderful and healthy hair as well. Using BeautVip Hair, you will have a complement to your care routine, as it will help to leave your hair firm, strong, soft. Enjoy and order yours now and come have the hair of a diva you too.

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