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Honey Lights: See How You Should Care

Come learn here what honey lights are and also how to treat them. Since we are going to teach you some tricks so that your hair looks amazing and you can shine.

Currently, hair changes occur all the time among Brazilian women, who love to bet on a new look, such as highlights in their hair. In this sense, many women invest in honey lights, which is a way to light up our hair. However, there are many precautions that must be taken with a dyed hair, to free it from fading and also dryness.

Understand that in addition to the chemical in the locks, another factor that leaves the strands dry is the lack of vitamins in the body, which prevents the strands from having resistance, so that this process does not leave the hair brittle or lackluster. Remembering that, many vain people use the BeautyVip Hair to nourish the tresses with honey highlights and give them what they need to be healthy.

So today you will see here some tips for your hair with honey highlights, in order to make it more beautiful and silky. Therefore, be sure to follow us here, so that you can learn all the information about this subject.

Find out now what the famous honey hair highlights are, so you can decide your new hair and also learn how you should take care of your highlights.

Do you know what honey lights are?

Let's introduce you now what honey lights are and also how they came about, so follow the information below:

Honey lights became popular after the appearance of blonde lights, which are lights with very light tones. In this sense, women with dark hair entered this fashion with highlights with few shades below the natural color of their hair, as a way to enhance their beauty.

The highlights with honey highlights are known as “brown light”, as it is a honey colored paint in strands well distributed throughout the hair, causing that incredible effect of shine on the tresses, to make you rock a lot.

Do you have a care schedule for your lights? Not? So learn here how to take care of them.

How to care for your hair with honey highlights?

Here you will see some actions that you have to include in your routine, so that your hair is more beautiful and also firmer. See what to do below:

Use the right products

The first step to keep your hair healthy with paint is to use products suitable for the type of chemistry you used on them, so that your hair receives the ideal treatment to keep it strong and also shiny. Another point is to use shampoos and conditioners that do not damage your hair, or even stain or fade them, such as anti-residues, which are not advised to be used often.

Protector in the highlights

An important factor is the use of thermal protector and sunscreen to protect your hair. O thermal protector is a compound to protect your hair from the high heat of a flat iron, curling iron or dryer, which damage the health of your hair, leaving them dry. The sunscreen suitable for streaks protects the hair from the sun, which in addition to fading our honey highlights, also removes the natural moisture from our strands, making them weaker.

Recurrence hydration

It is essential for hair with honey highlights to have their strands hydrated frequently, to return their softness, moisture and shine, making their strands come alive. Remembering that although there are many creams and homemade ingredients that are great for hydrating the strands, a care that must be taken is to pay attention to the color of the product, as we do not want to change the tone of our hair.

Nutrition of the tresses

To keep our honey highlights beautiful, it is necessary to leave them nourished with the use of oils and products that return the proteins in the threads, which are responsible for the constitution of the locks, removing that broken aspect of our hair. A natural example for this is to nourish the locks with coconut oil or vegetable oil.

Now you know what honey lights are and, the main thing, what care you should take with your lights, so that you can keep your beautiful wires, so don't forget to add everything you learned here in your routine.

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