Leave-in: What is it and how to use it?

In an attempt to get healthier hair, it is completely normal to look for new hair care procedures and techniques. And one that has been a curiosity for many women is the leave-in. Do you want to know what it is and how to use it to ensure effective hair results? Just continue with this article.

Leave-in is a really innovative technique that is able to make your hair even healthier. Want to know more about it? So just continue with this article.

One of the best ways to get healthier and more hydrated hair is using BeautyVip Hair, since, due to its composition, it keeps the strands sealed, nourished, hydrated and also contributes to hair growth.

However, even if you use BeautVip Hair, nothing prevents you from using other products to maximize results. So if you want to learn more about Leave-in, just continue with this article.

What is leave-in?

Leave-in is a term used in English that basically means “let it stay”. In other words, we are referring to products without the need for rinsing, generally used in the thread finishing step.

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Although it is very similar to a styling cream, leave-in has different actions, and it is important to know how to dissociate both products. Generally, the styling cream is intended to make the hair stronger, with movement and greater flexibility.

Now, the leave-in, although it also has immediate results, is used to achieve other hair results. But for this to be possible, it is important to use the correct product.

What is the difference between leave-in and styling cream?

The styling cream, as its name suggests, is intended to facilitate the untangling of hair. However, as it usually has a thicker thickness, it ends up weighing the hair.

On the other hand, the leave-in is much thinner and does not weigh the hair, which results in a more natural result and does not create that thick layer on the strands. Other than that, leave-in does not leave the hair greasy.

Other than that, the styling cream, as it has a denser texture, is recommended for styling and texturing the strands. The leave-in, on the other hand, for having a much lighter texture, is indicated to define hair shapes.

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What is the function of leave-in?

It depends on which product you are going to use. Just as there are shampoos for different purposes, so does leave-in. So, the result of the leave-in will depend on the formulation you will choose.

However, all products have some features in common, how to control frizz, offer thermal protection and even protect the color of dyed hair. Other than that, some product formulations can make the hair either smoother or offer definition.

So, if you have straight hair, and want to straighten the strands, it is important to keep an eye on which leave-in you will take home. And the same goes for those that are curly. But beyond that, you also have to know how to leave-in the strands.

How to apply leave-in?

To ensure your hair gets the full benefits of the leave-in, it's important that you apply it correctly. Or otherwise, you won't notice any improvement in the look of your hair.

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Leave-in is a great product for those women who have a very busy routine, as its application is extremely easy and no rinsing is necessary. So, as you don't have to wait to dry or run a dryer, it is extremely easy and practical.

How to apply the leave-in
If you have a very busy routine, leave-in is a great option, as it is not necessary to finish with a dryer, for example.

The leave-in must be applied to the still damp hair, in a small quantity, only in the length. And since this product solves the frizz issue, you can pay special attention to the ends of the hair.

However, if you want, you can use the leave-in after your hair care routine. That is, right after washing, moisturizing and conditioning your hair. But don't overdo the amount, as the excess can make the strands heavy.

What precautions should I take when applying the leave-in?

Although the leave-in is a great ally for those women who want to make their hair more disciplined and without frizz, it is important that you take certain precautions to prevent the product from having the opposite action to that desired.

The leave-in must always be used either in lengths or ends. Never at the root. The leave-in, when in contact with the root, can make them more oily. Therefore, avoid using this product on the scalp.