Learn to use aloe in curly hair

A lot of people don't know, but aloe on curly hair works very well, besides providing incredible results.

The beauty industry uses and abuses the component called aloe vera, which is nothing more than aloe vera, as this is the popular name it received among people.

Its function is to return water to both the hair and the skin, so it is a powerful moisturizer.

Products whose raw material was added artificially also bring excellent results.

It doesn't use anything of animal origin, so it is a vegan product, extremely healthy.

The decrease in chemistry itself is also something you can notice, so your locks are grateful.

It's also worth knowing that aloe vera is a vitamin bomb, so you can apply aloe vera to your curly hair without fear...

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The hydration made with aloe, provides a cleaner scalp and a more hydrated hair fiber.

As it contains amino acids, the strands are completely strengthened.

Curly hair has a more intense shine, as porosity is reduced.

The tresses will have a healthier growth, as its breakage is completely avoided.

Dryness is also fought, and his vitality is renewed.

If you want to have stronger and healthier hair, choose the vitamin supplement from BeautVip, which brings incredible results, including for the skin and nails.


With so many benefits, the environment is also favored, as the waste generated by beauty products will be reduced, since the consumption of chemical products is replaced by aloe.

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Your pocket is also grateful, since this solution is cheap.

And of course, as it is a natural product, it has no contraindications, especially for curly hair.


There are several recipes, which can be made with the ingredients you have at home.

Let's show you 3 of them.


Olive oil is excellent for hair health.

For this recipe, use two tablespoons of the gel extracted from the aloe.

One tablespoon of oil and two tablespoons of your preferred moisturizing mask.

Mix everything and apply to the strands after washing, let it act on the hair for 30 minutes, and rinse right away.

Aloe with EGG

Eggs are able to promote a more intense shine in the locks.

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For this mixture, you will need two tablespoons of the aloe gel.

Two tablespoons of moisturizing mask.

A teaspoon of castor oil and finally two egg yolks.

In a blender, put all the ingredients and blend until the mixture is smooth.

Apply it after washing the hair normally, and leave it for half an hour, then rinse right away.


In the simple form, you can apply the aloe vera directly to the hair, along with a hydrating mask, so that the result is visible.

So for the recipe, you will need two tablespoons of aloe gel.

Two tablespoons of your preferred moisturizing mask.

Mix until all ingredients are well incorporated and homogeneous.

Always remembering to apply it after washing.

For 15 minutes, the product should act on the hair, and after that time, just rinse.