Learn how to fill in an eyebrow and shape it

Whenever we look at anyone, a well-shaped eyebrow always draws attention, it is the part that gives shape to the face and that is why it is super important that it is well done, in addition to being what defines the contour of our eyes. Come learn how to fill in your eyebrows and always look beautiful.

For those women who like to take care of their entire face, you may be using the beautvip hair that helps with your expression lines, besides leaving your skin super hydrated. It also helps to reduce hair loss, that is, a good alternative to complement your care.

When you're doing your makeup and looking for a well-defined and filled eyebrow, all sorts of details are crucial for you to achieve such results.

For those who already have natural and well-filled eyebrows, some tricks also help a lot. Because sometimes because it's completely full, the hair doesn't stay exactly where you want it, so many of them also research how to fill in eyebrows to get hints.

Corrections can be made from pencils and specific masks to eyebrows. Each product can help what you are looking for, as some can give more shine, light and the like, and also each one of them can have a different degree of difficulty.

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Once you know this information, how to fill in your eyebrows can be difficult, but with practice and technique, anything is possible. 

It's like doing outlined kitten, the first few times can seem very difficult, but when you start to take up the practice, it starts to get easier and you do it with your eyes closed.

How to fill in an eyebrow

Understand how to fill in your eyebrow.

As I said before, there are several types and techniques that can be used to make you fill in a beautiful and even way. That's why I brought the low form of how to fill in eyebrows, a step-by-step step so that it is easy to understand and that you can rock your eyebrows on a daily basis.

  • Note the natural design of your eyebrow.

Even if you're just looking to draw your eyebrows, she also has a totally natural design that should often be respected. So for the result to be as natural as possible and very charming, pay attention to its shape.

  • Cut off the excess.

When you cut the excess length, it helps define your eyebrow, the contour of it becomes more uniform. For those who already have a well-defined eyebrow, this step is completely important.

  • outline the eyebrow

In this step you can be using a pencil to make it look the way you expect, or you can use a brush, if you are doing some eyebrow shadow. Important that in this process of how to fill in eyebrows, is that you contour well, even if you can fix it later, but this step helps in finishing it.

  • Remove excess hair

After contouring your eyebrow, remove any excess hair that was left out of it. Do this after you get around it so that you don't end up pulling out hair that shouldn't and getting gaps.

  • fill in the eyebrow

You may be using a pencil, eyeshadow, or mask to do this step. Be very careful with the color you use, never fill it with the same color as your hair, this can make a bad impression on other people's eyes.

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After filling it, you can delimit it with concealer or foundation so that it looks just right. If you're doing more elaborate makeup, you may be using light under the eyebrows to brighten your eyes. 

Another thing you can be doing in this step-by-step how to fill in eyebrows is to fill in, leaving a small part unfilled at the beginning of the eyebrow, then you can blend to give it a natural look, as the hairs are free.

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How to fill in eyebrows with longer lasting techniques

Learn about other techniques to fill in your eyebrow.

There are other techniques on how to fill in eyebrows that can last longer. Henna, for example, is an option, as it has a longer durability, but it is recommended that you do it with a professional in the area.

This technique shapes the threads and colors them, keeping the design much longer. If your skin is more oily, the product probably won't last as long.

We also have the option to micropigmentation of eyebrows, and this technique has been widely requested among women all the time, because it is done with pigments and specific needles and because they are, only trained aesthetic professionals who get this equipment.

If you choose to do this procedure, it is important that you do it with a trained professional so that it does not look like a permanent tattoo, as any slight error can lead to many future problems.

Having this information, you can choose whether you prefer to do it at home or use another method and so do what is best.