Know the signs that you are not taking good care of your skin

In addition to being our calling card, the skin can also reflect the health of the entire body. According to Magda Blessmann Weber. Neglecting skin care not only causes an aesthetic problem, but also health problems that can get worse over time. To end the dryness of the skin and leave it beautiful and healthy, daily care and sometimes routine changes are necessary. Know the signs that you're not taking good care of your skin right now.  

Having dry, cracked-looking skin can indicate that our bodies are not getting enough nutrients. Nutrients and water are extremely necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In this case, it is always good to review the diet, as we must always consume foods rich in nutrients to maintain our health. Common everyday habits also damage the skin, so it's good to know the signs that you're not taking care of your skin so you can identify what's wrong. 

On the other hand, taking supplemental vitamins also helps a lot in the health of our skin, hair and nails. When we think about taking vitamins, the question "which should I take?" and in that I help you. While many people think that all vitamin supplements induce weight gain, each type serves its purpose. For skin treatment, I recommend BeautyVip Hair. 

BeautVip capsules induce collagen production, improving elasticity and keeping the skin hydrated, soft and light. In addition, it also helps in a much faster hair growth, reduces hair loss, strengthens the strands reducing breakage, gives shine and softness to the locks and even strengthens the nails allowing them to grow healthier.

The dryness of the skin

The skin is an organ that covers our entire body and as you know we must take care to keep our skin healthy. Many people confuse dehydrated skin with dry skin and think it's the same thing but they aren't. Dry skin is a skin type and you have dry skin, oily skin, mixed skin, so it's a skin type and dehydrated skin is a skin condition at that time, at that stage it's a skin condition.

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Dry skin is skin that does not produce enough oil to lubricate that skin and so it has a greater loss of water.

Dry skin has the most striking features of it are a whiter appearance than the skin has, the ease of peeling. Sometimes we get some reddish spots due to sensitivity because dry skin is a very sensitive skin. It can also present some cracks due to dehydration from loss of water and it is a skin that tends to have less shine. The person who has dry skin usually feels a kind of tightness when you finish your cleaning and sanitizing, you feel the skin as if it were stretching.

Dehydrated skin: 

  • Dehydrated skin is a skin condition at that time is a more common condition in dry skin due to easy water loss that has dry skin plus oily skin can also be dehydrated. And you might be wondering why this happens: It's because water is lacking both from the outside and from the inside out, this usually happens when the weather is very dry. So I suggest that you increase your water intake sometimes even if you are not thirsty you should always remember to drink plenty of drinking water.


Know the signs that you are not taking good care of your skin 

Dry skin can be caused by overuse of facial cleansers.

It is very important that you know how to identify skin problems and the causes so that you can treat them correctly. In some cases, home treatment may not be enough, so it is interesting that you know the signs that you are not taking care of your skin so that you can understand if it is something simple to solve or if you will need medical attention. 

Spots on the skin 

the appearance of stains it is one of the signs that you may not take good care of your skin and not protect yourself from the sun. “In addition to the skin patches that manifest themselves in various skin diseases, they can also indicate skin cancer. Dark spots may indicate the presence of melanoma. As well as more red spots can indicate cancer. This is the most common type of skin cancer. But there are other types of Magda reminded that "you can express yourself in the same way much less often." 

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Blackheads and pimples 

Daniela Lemes, dermatologist, member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD). Explains that the appearance of blackheads and pimples can indicate poor dermal cleaning. These residues can clog pores, and blackheads begin to appear. The skin needs to be cleaned regularly, but care must also be taken to remove residues from the skin every day”, he said. 

As she also explained: “The person must first clean the skin and then use a tonic lotion or other products guided by a dermatologist. To remove makeup or color guard from color fixer. For men with oily skin, use specific soap”. 

Also, the appearance of blackheads and pimples in summer is usually related to the use of sunscreen. However, dermatologist Magda points out that this problem can only be avoided by choosing suitable products for your skin. 

“Currently, with the development of sunscreen technology. We launch products suitable for oily skin and others specific for dry skin, which help to regulate oiliness throughout the day. After all, with these products, there is no risk of blackheads and acne. How well the right product is for each The skin type should be instructed by a dermatologist. After checking the skin to ensure Magda. In some other situations, in order for you to know the signs that you are not taking good care of your skin and learn to identify them, you may need the help of a professional. 

The appearance of blackheads and pimples can also occur due to genetic factors. See a dermatologist.

Causes for Skin Problems 


While dry skin is a sign of lack of nutrients and hydration, gray skin can reflect low oxygen levels caused by excessive smoking. Cigarettes are not only bad for your health, this is the main factor for the emergence of various types of cancer and problems in the functioning of the heart and also causes various damages to the skin such as premature aging, spots, wrinkles and even sagging. 

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Cigarettes release some types of toxins that accelerate and increase the production of free radicals and interfere with the skin's performance. As it is the most visible part of our body, the damage caused to the skin is noticeable very quickly, especially on the face, where it is more sensitive, so skin dryness and stains are frequent. 

Excessive sun exposure 

Taking that little sun in the morning can be very healthy, however, the direct contact of your skin with the sun's rays can cause worse inconveniences than a few spots or dry skin. For those who think or spend an hour exposed to the sun in order to "tan themselves" or just help in the production of the vitamin without any protection is good for health, I have to say that this information is incorrect and can bring serious problems. 

In addition to blemishes, excessive exposure to solar radiation can harm health and cause unwanted and serious effects on the skin”. There are a variety of problems that sun exposure can bring, but the main ones are: dryness of the skin, burns, acne, allergies, premature aging, skin blemishes and wounds and even cancer. 

Magda explained: "The dermatologist must observe and diagnose any changes or symptoms that the patient experiences in the skin." One of the most likely causes of premature skin aging. It is the appearance of spots and dehydration of the skin due to incorrect exposure to solar radiation.  

So, if you have dry skin beyond what seems to be normal and spots appear, it's good to pay attention to sun protection. After all the skin very exposed to the sun can cause dehydration and epidermal hyperpigmentation.” Collagen and even skin Excessive cancer reduction”.  

 “Using moisturizer and sunscreen in the morning is essential for all skin types. And it can be considered 50% of antiaging treatment. Explains Solange Pistori Teixeira Libonati, Department dermatologist. of Dermatology, São Paulo School of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo. 

Use of inappropriate products

Using products that are not suitable for use on the skin, or that are not for your skin type, can damage your skin rather than help. Look for good products and make a care schedule for your skin. Also look for a specialist so that he can recommend you products and treatments and so that you know the signs that you are not taking good care of your skin.