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Skin care kit: learn more

Find out more about the skin care kit.

We are at a time when the concern with the health of the skin, especially the face, is enormous. The “skin care” generation is growing stronger and becoming an obligation in the lives of many people, especially women. That's why today we're going to teach you how to assemble a skin care kit so you can complete your routine.

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Let's make a skin care kit of each, simple, medium and elaborate. In this kit you will be able to choose the best one for your routine and your pocket! So let's start.

Learn more about each skin care kit.

Basic kit:

In this kit we will only have the basic products for the treatment of the skin. To start with, choose a good treatment cream for your skin according to what it needs, and also look for a thermal water to soothe your skin. These are two steps that can help you take care of your skin, without a lot of effort and without spending a lot.

Medium kit:

In this one, let's elaborate a little more, in addition to the treatment cream and the thermal water, look for something specific for the fine lines of the face and to moisturize the dark circles, this can already increase your routine and have more punctual care, so the treatment the skin and fine lines of the face will be more pronounced.

Prepared Kit:

Now let's talk about the elaborate and most complete kit, in addition to the products mentioned above, you can have a more complete routine and with more care. Look for an exfoliant to remove dead skin and massage the skin, this will increase collagen production in the face. Do a routine including hyaluronic acid, it can be a great firming and rejuvenating skin. In addition, you can look for other products that make a difference in what you need, thus making your routine and your skin care kit more complete.

Now that you know some good products for your skin care kit, let's tell you more about some products and which ones will be best for your skin.

Learn more about each skin type.

Oily skin:

Oily skin needs hydration as much as others, but some precautions should be taken. The moisturizer for oily skin must be in gel, with a more fluid and less oily texture, so that it does not have a rebound effect.

Mixed skin:

Mixed skin is nothing more than a mixture of oily skin and normal skin, usually concentrating the oil spots in the T-zone of the face. In this type of skin, it is always good to use what each part asks for, so the application will be more effective and will certainly bring more results.

Dry skin:

Dry skin already needs more care and more attention, they need moisturizers more powerful and aimed at dry skin, especially on cold days. It is always important to seek help from a professional who understands the subject, so you will know what your skin needs.

Now that you know the skin type and some products for the skin care kit, you need to know how to identify which type you fit, and for that we will show you some easy and very simple ways.

The first one is the most suitable. See a dermatologist to find out what specific products you should use on your skin, especially when it comes to acids or creams that can burn your skin. Never choose products based on what you've seen on the internet or other people's skin. As much as it looks similar, your skin is not the same as your mother's or a friend's, so never use products that were not prescribed for you.

Toilet paper test:

This test is very simple and you will be able to easily see what your skin type is. With a simple sheet toilet paper preferably, press on the T-zone of your face, if you notice excessive oil, you have oily skin, if the amount is normal your skin is mixed. But if the paper comes out dry, your skin is normal.

Remembering that these are home tests and that they are not based on them that you will define whether your skin is oily or not, to be sure, seek the help of a professional in the area.

Now that you know more about the skin care kit and some products, just assemble yours and use it correctly.

If you want a skin care kit, look for a dermatologist and ask them to prescribe and explain to you which products are best for your skin. play in skin care with your skin care kit and keep taking care of yourself.

Remembering that food can also help you maintain a healthy and controlled skin, so try to maintain a healthy diet. The skin care kit can help you a lot, but it doesn't work miracles, always think about it!

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