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Juá soap: learn how to make it at home

Bathing is an essential step to keep your skin healthy and hygienic. So, nothing better than using the best products, at such an important time like this, right? Well, many women have been looking for natural soaps (and other products) when doing daily skin care. One of these products, which has gained more and more followers, is Juá soap, which provides several benefits to the skin, and is our topic today.  

But do you know what else can provide multiple benefits on your skin? That's right! The capsules of BeautyVip Hair! Which provide a high intensity vitamin action in your body, nourishing the skin from the inside out, making it acquire a more beautiful and healthier appearance. So, if you want to have radiant skin like the Brazilian divas and influencers, check out this super option.  

But today we are here to talk about the Juá soap, which has become quite popular, especially among women. So, stay tuned with us, because maybe you're not interested in this product? 

What is Juá soap? 

Jua soap? what is it for?

As the name implies, this product is a more natural version of the common soap, made from Juá's assets. This fruit, which is found mainly in the lands bathed by the São Francisco River, is being widely used in cosmetics and herbal medicines, due to its beneficial actions for our body and organism.  

Juá Benefits: 

Juazeiro fruit powder can even be used as a substitute for toothpaste. In its extract form, it is also able to relieve and treat indigestion, headaches, flu and other ailments. 

How to make Juá soap? 

On the market, there is a range of soaps, which promise action of intense hydration, and other benefits for the skin. However, most of them contain actives that are harmful not only to the skin's health, but to the body as a whole. THE caustic soda it is one of those actives, and it is present in most hygiene products.  

But what if we tell you, that it is possible to make a juá soap, without the use of caustic soda, or other ingredients, which are often dangerous to handle? That's right! A 100% natural soap that can be made in the comfort of your own home! That's why keep there with us that we're going to teach you. 

Homemade Juá Soap Recipe: 

Now, all you need to do is add the water to a pot, and bring it to a low heat, adding the husks. Simmer for about 20 minutes, but be careful that the boil does not spill onto the stove. A very valid tip is not to cover the pan so that the mixture does not spill.  

After this time, just strain and reserve the liquid in a well sanitized glass bottle, so that the soap does not come into direct contact with other substances. Now, just complete the juá soap with boiled water, until it reaches the volume of 250 ml again. This process is super important, as the juá soap, when in its concentrated form, can cause adverse reactions on the skin.  

Pay close attention to the step-by-step, as doing everything the way indicated will lead to more positive results.

Now, all you have to do is add the essential oils to our soap, shake the mixture, and you're done. The use of these oils is optional, but they are able to preserve our soap a little longer, and that is why they are very welcome in our recipe. Besides that they also guarantee a wonderful smell on our skin.  

The way in which our juá soap is used is the same as a common liquid soap. So just use a cap or two to wash your hands. We hope that all our content has been of great help to you. Always keep supporting us, and until next time! 

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