Hydration with cornstarch: Learn how to do it and the benefits

The search for perfect hair is a tricky and not always easy race, and many women turn to homemade recipes to ensure a perfect result. And among them, one that has always been gaining a prominent position is hydration with cornstarch. But do you know how to apply this hydration? This and more you will learn in today's article.

How to moisturize with cornstarch
Do you want to improve the appearance of your hair with a moisturizing with cornstarch? So just check out this article!

It is not new that cornstarch appears in homemade recipes, and it is not very difficult to understand why. In addition to its active ingredients that make it an interesting option, the ease and accessibility of finding the ingredient makes it increasingly sought after.

In the struggle to get that healthy, silky, shiny and strong hair, many resort to vitamin capsules like the one from BeautyVip Hair, which deliver phenomenal results. But it is always good to combine these treatments with a hydration with cornstarch, for example. And that's what we'll talk about.

Does hydrating with cornstarch really work?

Although moisturizing with cornstarch is quite famous, there are many women who still question the veracity of the results of this recipe. Many women report that their hair feels better behaved, hydrated and shiny, and these results are not for nothing.

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Corn starch, like cornstarch, is an acidifying compound. In other words, when in contact with hair strands and combined with other hair care products, due to the acid, hydration occurs, leaving the strands silkier, more well-behaved and even with a smoother and less bulky appearance, in some cases.

Benefits of moisturizing with cornstarch

Although cornstarch alone can bring some benefit to the hair, it is ideal to always use this ingredient with a hair mask, since cornstarch's main action is to serve as an enhancer. And, among some of the benefits of hydration with cornstarch, it is possible to mention:

  • Assists in sealing the wires;
  • Volume reduction;
  • More straight hair;
  • Reduces hair dryness;
  • Reduces frizz.

There are hundreds of women who are fervently seeking to know How to prevent split ends, but what many do not know is that hydration with cornstarch can help with this issue. After all, as it reduces frizz, it ends up fighting – albeit indirectly – the appearance of split ends.

How to moisturize with cornstarch?

Making homemade moisturizing with cornstarch is nothing complicated, however, there is some relevant information you should know before applying any mixture to your hair. First of all, as already mentioned, cornstarch is an acidifying food, although in lower proportions compared to other foods.

But even so, as it is acidic, it is recommended that you avoid exposing yourself to the sun or high temperatures while the product works on your hair, as this can cause eventual damage to your scalp. It's nothing serious, but it's better to be safe.

Care when hydrating with cornstarch
Avoid exposing yourself to very high temperatures when you are hydrating with cornstarch.

Other than that, as it is a slightly acidic product, it is not recommended to use a thermal cap. It's true that some hydration recipes with cornstarch even say to wear a cap to speed up and maximize results. But in that case, follow precisely the recommended time to avoid damage to your hair.

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Hydration recipes with cornstarch

Now that you know that this type of homemade moisturizing really works, what are its benefits and what care to take, you can check out some of the recipes for moisturizing with cornstarch to ensure powerful hair!

Hydration with cornstarch and hair mask

This is a classic and extremely practical recipe to make, as you will only need two ingredients; cornstarch and a hair mask of your choice. Once you've gathered what you need, what you should do is:

  1. Heat 1 cup of water and 2 spoons of cornstarch;
  2. Mix over low heat until creamy;
  3. Allow the mixture to cool and add 2 scoops of your hair mask;
  4. With your hair properly cleaned, apply the mixture all over your hair;
  5. Leave on for about 30 minutes and wash as usual.

Saw? It is an extremely easy recipe, homemade and that has wonderful effects! After applying this moisturizing with cornstarch, you will feel that your hair will be shinier, softer and with less volume.

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Hydration with cornstarch and honey

As well as cornstarch, it is extremely common to see honey being used for homemade recipes, after all, it is practically impossible to list all the benefits that this food brings. But in order to enjoy the benefits of honey for your hair, you must do the following:

  1. In a pot, mix your hair mask, 1 cap of liquid glycerin, 1 spoon of honey and 1 spoon of cornstarch;
  2. Mix everything until it forms a homogeneous paste;
  3. With clean hair, remove excess moisture and apply the mask, lock by lock;
  4. Leave on for 30 to 45 minutes and rinse as usual.

According to the news site CN1, many famous people use hydration based on honey, and it's not by chance. After all, honey is rich in several vitamins and substances with moisturizing power and, therefore, it is a great option for hair care, as it has a potentiating effect.

Hydration with cornstarch and castor oil

Castor oil is well known for providing hair growth and, combined with hydration with cornstarch, the results are even more enhanced. To prepare this recipe you will need:

  1. Put ½ cup of water and 2 tablespoons of cornstarch in a pan and stir until it forms a mush;
  2. Then place the porridge in a container and, when it cools, add a cap of castor oil and 2 scoops of your moisturizing mask;
  3. Leave on for 45 minutes and rinse as usual.

This is a hydrating mask with cornstarch that is super simple to prepare, and will leave your hair much more beautiful, hydrated, shiny and without that dry look.