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Hydration with glycerin: know how to do it

Taking care of the highlights is essential to ensure the well-being of many women, and in light of this, homemade recipes have conquered an essential space on the agenda of many. Among all of them, the one that has certainly been the most talked about is hydration with glycerin, and this is what we will talk about in today's article.

Want to make your hair even more beautiful, healthy and hydrated? So check out in this post all the beneficial properties of hydration with glycerin!

Hair is a fundamental part of building self-image and high self-esteem. It is precisely for this reason that most women take all the necessary precautions to ensure strong, resistant and healthy locks.

Also, combined with hydration with glycerin, you can bet on other care that will also make your locks more beautiful and silky. For example, we cannot fail to mention the BeautyVip Hair, which has been the favorite of many famous people. And this is because these vitamin capsules return the nutrients that are essential to keep hair well hydrated, nourished, resistant and that provides hair growth!

How does glycerin hydration work on hair?

Glycerin is a component that is present in many hair care products nowadays and, as it was very well accepted, many decided to apply the pure product to their locks. However, this is a wrong procedure, and to understand this you must first understand how the substance works on the hair.

Directly, glycerin has the power to literally attract moisture from the air into the hair, retaining this moisture for a longer time inside the hair. Thus, the water absorbed from the air takes longer to evaporate, ensuring a hydrating effect for the hair for much longer.

The problem, however, is that when moisturizing with glycerin is done the wrong way and under non-recommended conditions, instead of getting healthy hair, you end up getting the complete opposite.

How should I hydrate with glycerin?

It is relatively common to hear reports from some women stating that hydration with glycerin had no effect. However, when this happens, it is certainly because the procedure was not done correctly. In the following topics, you will check the correct way to apply this substance and ensure the best result.

Keep an eye on weather conditions

The first thing about this subject you know is that you need to keep an eye on the humidity in the air the day you are going to hydrate with glycerin. As explained in the previous topic, this substance has the power to absorb moisture from the air and donate to the hair.

However, if you do this moisturizing on a dry day, there will simply be nowhere to get the moisture from other than the hair itself. The result? Even drier, opaque and brittle hair. It is recommended to do this type of hydration only on days when the air humidity is 70% or more.

You can check the air humidity in any mobile app that shows the weather forecast. And if you live in a very dry region, the tip is to dilute the glycerin in a larger amount of water or mix it with a few drops of vegetable oil.

Thermoactive Principles of Glycerin

When hydrating with glycerin only with the substance diluted in water or some vegetable oil, without mixing it with a hydration mask, you need to pay attention to the substance's thermoactive principles.

It is true that when glycerin is used in conjunction with other products, there is no problem using the thermal cap to maximize the result. Now, if you moisturize with the pure substance, keep your hair away from high temperatures.

Unlike other products, glycerin does not need high temperatures for its properties to be activated. Therefore, when hydrating with pure glycerin, stay away from the dryer and flat iron, for example.

Therefore, never dry your hair with a blow dryer or use any type of heat tool after hydrating with glycerin, as this will make the devices absorb all the moisture in your hair.

Some women even complain of hair loss after straightening, but it is good to understand that this is not due to hydration with glycerin, but because they do not know how to administer this procedure.

Always use glycerin as a hydration

Glycerin has a more viscous, colorless and odorless aspect and, therefore, resembles a gel or those gels for hair. And this makes many women believe that glycerin can be used as a defining or fixing gel.

But don't get confused, glycerin should always be used as hydration, never as a finishing gel. Using this substance for other purposes will not result in a silky feel and can sometimes contribute to an opposite effect.

What are the benefits of hydration with glycerin?

The advantages of making hydration with glycerin go beyond enhancing the results of a hydration mask, and anyone who has tried it knows the many positive points. When used correctly, some of the benefits are:

– Frizz control;
– Fights split ends;
– Stimulates the definition of curls;
– Promotes softness and extreme shine;
– Strengthens the hair fiber.

Although recipes with this ingredient are quite successful on the internet, it is interesting to note that the glycerin in hair brings numerous benefits to the yarn. So much so that many of them have already been recognized and explained by countless professionals in the field. It is interesting to highlight this point because, as we are talking about something that has gained prominence due to the internet, some women are a little afraid when it comes to using it.

And actually, that's pretty correct thinking. After all, you can't trust anything people talk about without first looking for a reliable source. Furthermore, it is worth noting that if you experience any allergies, discontinue use immediately and seek medical attention.

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