Hydration with colorless gelatin

Over time, homemade hair care recipes have won the homes of many Brazilian women, as in addition to the excellent results in highlights, it is a good economy to invest. One of these recipes is hydration with colorless gelatin, which at first glance seems strange, but this recipe works. It provides shine and strengthening to the strands, in addition to moisturizing dry hair.

For hair with a dry appearance, one of the main causes is the lack of the necessary organic components in the body, so that the strands can remain healthy. For this reason, many Brazilian women use BeautyVip Hair, which are powerful capsules to nourish our bodies and allow our hair to be healthier. So, if you want to get prettier hair in less time, the solution is to combine hair hydration with body nutrition.

You will now learn the advantages of making hydration with colorless gelatin and also how to make this recipe that has several options to make your locks amazing, so follow here with us all the information about this hydration.

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Understand the benefits of colorless gelatin on hair, so you can enjoy all the benefits.

Benefits of hydration with colorless gelatin

Although colorless gelatin is used as a food, it is also used a lot on hair, so let's understand today the benefits of using colorless gelatin in hair, so that your locks are more beautiful and with a healthier appearance.

Colorless gelatin has collagen and sugar, which are responsible for increasing hair growth, in addition to improving the elasticity of the locks. Moisturizing with colorless gelatin aligns the threads and restores softness, it also gives more flexibility to the hair.

In addition, this hydration provides more resistance to the hair, giving it more protection against agents that damage it. Colorless gelatin is also widely used by curls, which gave this product the finishing function, as this product helps to define the curls and also to reduce the frizz.

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Make moisturizers with colorless gelatine in the comfort of your home to make your hair visibly more beautiful.

Hydrations with colorless gelatin

Let's go now to the long-awaited hydration with the use of colorless gelatin, so you can rock your locks every day.

Colorless gelatin with honey

This recipe is great, as it provides balance to the strands, leaving them loose and reducing the oiliness of the hair, which bothers us so much. Check it out below:

1. In a container, add two tablespoons of colorless gelatin and a spoon of honey.

2. After that, add two scoops of moisturizing mask and mix everything.

3. Then pass this recipe on your locks and let it take effect for 30 minutes.

4. Now just remove the product from the hair with water and apply the conditioner.

Colorless gelatin with milk

If you are curly or curly, this recipe is perfect for you, as the gelatin will give your hair more definition, leaving your curls more perfect. See below:

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1. First, heat the 150 ml of milk until warm and then add three tablespoons of colorless gelatin.

2. Then just apply it to the strands, making light movements with your fingers.

3. Leave the product to act for 25 minutes on the locks.

4. Finally, remove the mixture from the threads and finish the wash.

Colorless gelatin with sugar

This recipe is for those who want to moisturize and shine their hair, in addition to giving it a lot of softness, so come learn with us:

1. In a non-metallic container, add gelatine with a little water.

2. Mix these ingredients well with a scoop of sugar and two scoops of moisturizing mask.

3. After that, apply the mixture over the locks and let it take effect for 20 minutes.

4. Finally, just rinse the product from your hair with water.

Remember to add these super tips to your capillary schedule and don't forget to put them all into practice soon, so that you get the results you want from the most beautiful yarns.

Ana Lídia Lopes ensina de como fazer Hidratação com gelatina incolor