Hydration with cornstarch and sugar: know how to do it

Homemade recipes have been gaining more and more space among women, and one that has been making people talk is hydration with cornstarch and sugar. Want to know more about the properties of this recipe? So be sure to check out this article.

Hydration with cornstarch and sugar
If you want healthier hair, a good tip is to bet on hydration with cornstarch and sugar.

In order to achieve healthier hair, many women turn to vitamin capsules, such as the one from BeautyVip Hair, to have more silky, shiny and hydrated locks! However, allied to this, it is possible to bet on a hydration with cornstarch and sugar. Want to know how to do it? So check out this article.

Does moisturizing with cornstarch work?

Cornstarch is a product known to practically everyone. However, most people use cornstarch for cake, for example. Therefore, it is normal that it causes you some strangeness when we say that this same product can be used on hair.

THE hydration with cornstarch works for those who want to achieve more well-behaved hair, for example. And this is possible solely because of the active properties that this product has. However, to ensure that you achieve the expected results, it is important that you use it correctly.

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Some women say they don't see any results when hydrating with cornstarch and sugar. However, in the vast majority of cases, this is because the procedure was done wrong.

How to moisturize with cornstarch?

Despite the benefits that cornstarch can provide for the hair, it is essential to carry out this treatment correctly or, otherwise, you will not really notice any difference in your hair.

First of all, under no circumstances use pure cornstarch on your hair. Much is said that this product is extremely beneficial to the threads and, therefore, some women decide to test the pure mixture on the threads.

But that's not how it works. Cornstarch has a potentiating effect. In other words, it enhances the effects of other products on our hair. And what exactly does this mean? This means that cornstarch should always be used in line with another product.

Either with a hair mask or a hydration with cornstarch and sugar. The role of cornstarch is to enhance the results and benefits of another product. Now that you understand this better, we can move on to the next topic.

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What are the benefits of cornstarch and sugar?

Corn starch, better known as cornstarch, is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc. And by adding cornstarch to your hair routine, you'll get the effect of these compounds.

Thus, cornstarch helps to improve dull, dry, split or split ends, restores strength, gives shine and revitalizes your hair. And those are just the properties of cornstarch.

What are the benefits of cornstarch and sugar
Hydration with cornstarch and sugar will make you conquer hair that is much more behaved and hydrated.

On the other hand, sugar performs a delicate exfoliation on the threads and improves dryness and porosity of the threads. Other than that, it also helps in sealing the hair and aligning the cuticles to eliminate excess frizz and split ends. Other than that, it also enhances the natural shine of the threads.

THE cornstarch mask brings benefits to the threads, such as combating oiliness, recovering damaged hair and the like. Therefore, it is a great choice to bet on hydration with cornstarch and sugar.

Cornstarch and sugar straightens the hair?

Much is said about the properties of hydration with cornstarch and sugar, and the most common of them is that it serves as a natural smoothing. However, it is important to demystify some points regarding this statement.

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Neither cornstarch nor sugar makes your hair straighter. What happens is that, as they are two acidic products, they help your hair look more behaved, giving the feeling that they are smoother.

But, in practice, hydration with cornstarch and sugar does not have the property to change the texture of your hair. But, if you have unruly hair, and want to achieve a more aligned result, this can be a great choice.

How to hydrate with cornstarch and sugar?

Now that you understand this subject better, we can teach you how to hydrate with cornstarch and sugar. In addition to these two ingredients, you will also need:

  • 100ml of milk or water;
  • 1 scoop of moisturizing mask;
  • 3 drops of vegetable oil of your choice;
  • 1 spoon of crystal sugar;
  • 1 spoon of cornstarch.

Having gathered all the ingredients, just put milk and cornstarch in a pan over low heat, and mix until it turns into a mush. Then put a scoop of this mixture into a pot and add the other ingredients. Then, just apply it to the hair, let it act for 20 to 30 minutes and finish as usual.