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Hydration with conditioner: see how to do it

Today we will teach you some ways to moisturize your hair with conditioner.

Hydration, in addition to being a very important step for your hair schedule, is still one of the simplest procedures to be done at home. Why go to a salon, if we can do this kind of care in the comfort of our home, and with simple products, like a conditioner for example? Well, that's why today we'll help you keep your tresses healthy, through moisturizing with conditioner, which is quick, safe and effective against the effects of dryness.  

But do you know what else can generate amazing results in your hair? That's right, the capillary fortification action of the capsules BeautyVip Hair. The Divas Vitamin (as it is better known), is no joke, and has become the biggest name in hair nutrition, nail strengthening and skin improvement. That's why it's worth getting to know this incredible novelty, which has been around the whole of Brazil, and hasn't left the mouths of women.  

But today we are here to teach you how to moisturize your hair with conditioner. However, we must emphasize the effects and benefits of this product on our locks, and that it is often used in an erroneous and/or exaggerated way.  

Does moisturizing with conditioner work? What are its effects? 

Let's show you now, the benefits of using the conditioner on hair.

Do you know what the conditioner is for? Not? Well then, this product used so daily (especially for women), serves to close the hair scales, which remain open after using the shampoo. Thus, it is responsible for “neutralizing” the action of the shampoo, which can be almost compared to a detergent on the threads.  

Many women have pointed out the use of conditioner with their hair still dry, before using the shampoo, claiming that this brings unimaginable benefits. Beauty specialists attested to this somewhat unusual use of the conditioner, saying that when we use this product during the shower, water is capable of carrying all the nutrients available in the conditioner, and for this reason the hair often comes out completely dry after a shower.  

Moisturizing with conditioner on dry hair, before the usual washing process, is certainly a technique worth doing for you. But today we are here, to show you how to moisturize your hair with conditioner, through some very simple recipes. So, grab your old recipe notebook (or prepare your cell phone notebook, if you're part of the hipster team) and here we go: 

Hydration with conditioner: 

On the market there are some options for more specific conditioners, such as conditioners with moisturizing action. Because they contain a greater load of ingredients with the action of penetrating the hair fiber, these products are very suitable for you who are going through the effect of hair dryness. They are also very welcome in our hydration with conditioner recipes.  

Hydration with conditioner and yogurt: 

That's right, you didn't read that wrong, we're going to teach you how to moisturize your hair with conditioner, adding that well-known culinary ingredient, natural yogurt. The step by step is very simple, just: 

Mix 2 tablespoons of oil; 2 scoops of conditioner and 100 ml of natural yoghurt. After properly mixed, these ingredients will be applied to the entire length of the hair, which will then be covered by a thermal cap

 The ideal is to do this procedure inside the bathroom, to take advantage of the water vapor from the shower. After 5 minutes or so, all you have to do is rinse your hair. This process can be done 4 times a month, but for only 2 months. 

Hydration with conditioner and bepantol: 

Now we will teach you how to moisturize your hair with conditioner, and this product that is already an old acquaintance of ours: the bepantole. To make this recipe, all you need to do is: 

Wash your hair with shampoo, and mix about 1 cap of liquid bepantol with the amount of conditioner your hair needs. The action time of this mixture is the indicated time of application of your conditioner, so just wait and rinse your hair normally. 

Hydration with conditioner and honey: 

Honey, in addition to being great for breakfast, mixed with your cereal or pancakes, is great for our homemade moisturizing recipe. Let's teach you now, how to moisturize your hair with conditioner and honey. To do this, just start: 

Mix 1 scoop or 2 of honey in a small container with a few scoops of your favorite conditioner. Then just apply the mixture to each lock of hair (but without applying to the root), removing it after the application time indicated by the conditioner label.  

Follow the moisturizing recipes with conditioner to the letter, and your hair will look stunning.

That's it for now, we hope that our super moisturizing recipes with conditioner have helped you to stop the dryness of your locks. Always keep connected with us for these and more female beauty tips. 

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