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Hydration with coffee powder: know how to do it and its benefits

oday we are going to teach how to make hydration with coffee powder at home, using very simple and common ingredients in Brazilian women's homes.

Coffee is an indispensable ingredient in the diet of most Brazilians. This powder obtained by roasting a grain, is responsible for giving that energized to start the day, giving a revitalized strength, and even to moisturize the hair, did you know that? Well, today we have set aside for our divas some tutorials on how to hydrate with coffee powder, so that your hair receives a boom of vitamins.

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Benefits of hydration with coffee powder:

Coffee, in addition to being a great natural stimulant, is also capable of moisturizing your hair.

When it comes to hydration, there are 1001 ways to do it, and with the most diverse ingredients. Nowadays, where women have been increasingly looking for ways to replace industrialized products with homemade and natural alternatives, recipes such as hydration with egg, or hydration with castor oil, end up earning their place in the sun, and stealing the spotlight from other, more conventional hydration techniques.

In times like the ones we are living in, saving is more than essential. And there's nothing better than saving money, and still providing positive effects on the hair, such as deep hydration and the reconstruction of the hair fiber. In the meantime, coffee has become one of the best options when it comes to moisturizing your locks, as it does not weigh too much on your pocket, it also provides many benefits to your hair.

Coffee has caffeine as one of its main compounds, which in addition to stimulating you on a highly stressful and tiring day, is also capable of accelerating hair growth. When you make our hydration with coffee powder, it will be as if you were pouring a good dose of energy (only good) into your hair, so that it can grow faster and stronger.

The small beans of roasted and ground coffee can also promote an exfoliating action, as a kind of hair peeling, which will make the scalp stimulated and clean, making it better absorb the nutrients and vitamins essential for a good performance. health of this very important region.

If your hair is falling out, or suffering from the action of dandruff, our hydration with coffee powder will be more than perfect, as it acts directly at the root of these problems, causing them to end or reduce a lot, right at the first hydration session. If you want to give that one go there at the frizz, our recipes will be your great allies in combating this ghost so scary.

Moisturizing with coffee powder for curly and frizzy hair:

Our hydration with coffee powder is unbeatable in combating frizzy and brittle hair.

Simpler than this impossible recipe. Just add a small bowl, 2 tablespoons of avocado oil (it's not difficult to find in pharmacies or hair care stores), then add 2 tablespoons of moisturizing hair cream and a tablespoon full of regular coffee powder.

Mix everything very well, and start applying in the locks of hair, until you reach the top. Massage the strands very well after wrapping it completely in the mixture, making movements with your finger, so that the scalp is exfoliated.

Then just wrap the hair with a cap and wait about 30 minutes for our hydration with coffee powder to take effect. Finish by washing the hair with water and applying a little conditioner, removing it right away. Simple isn't it?

Moisturizing with coffee powder for straight and wavy hair:

Another very simple recipe, as you will only need: a tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of powdered coffee and three tablespoons of moisturizing mask. Repeat the standard procedure of mixing all the ingredients in a bowl, but before applying the mixture, you should wash the strands well with a non-salt shampoo.

After you have washed your hair, just separate it into locks, and apply the mixture to each one of them, until nothing remains. Massage the hair, and wait about 30 minutes with the strands covered by a cap. Then just remove the mixture with water and finish with the good old conditioner.

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