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How to wash your hair with rosemary tea?

There are many reports regarding the use of rosemary tea on hair and its unique potential on the many benefits for hair strands.

Find out soon if these facts are true or not.

Rosemary is a plant considered medicinal, which is widely used in the gastronomic universe.

However, many believe that this plant can also bring very positive effects to our locks.

just check the internet and check out the most varied homemade recipes for your hair using rosemary.

Check it out below to find out if rosemary really works for your hair.

You will also find out, how to wash your hair with rosemary tea.

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With a quick search on the internet in general, it is possible to discover the benefits over rosemary on hair.

These benefits are:


Rosemary has a very strong but pleasant smell.

Its use has surpassed the gastronomic sector and nowadays it is found in totally different and unusual fields, one of them being the fashion and beauty industry.


The recommendation is to heat two glasses of water, and two tablespoons of rosemary, preferably fresh.

Next, you have to wait for the liquid to come to room temperature and put it in a clean container, such as a spray bottle.

Then use the mixture on your hair, then apply shampoo and conditioner to the scalp…


There are rosemary supplements and essential hair oils.

These products in question, have in their formula other nutrients that bring a series of benefits for hair health.

But make sure you use everyday products, such as shampoo, conditioner and treatment mask, so that hair health is very efficient and effective.

The homemade version is similar to the version that is made with tea.

But if you have oily strands, you can add other ingredients like lavender, for example.

Then add two tablespoons of rosemary, preferably fresh, and two tablespoons of lavender, also fresh, to two cups of boiling water.

Reduce the heat, wait two minutes and then turn off the heat.

Wait for it to cool, strain the contents and place the mixture in a clean container.


Care must be taken to distinguish between false and true news.

Rosemary tea alone does not have enough properties to resist hair loss, nor does it reduce gray hair.

However it will not bring negative results to the hair...

As said, rosemary tea alone is not powerful enough, but uniting it, with the necessary care, it is possible to obtain good results.

Hair loss must be treated by other methods and not just rosemary tea.

Gray hair is a natural procedure of the hair structure.

The only process that exists so far is the dye.


In fact, there is no scientific proof that rosemary can help hair growth, however, it can play an important role in making this happen.

Rosemary tea has an action that helps in cleaning the scalp, in addition to unclogging the hair follicles.

It also helps in the blood circulation of the place.

Therefore, this encourages the healthy growth of the locks.

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