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How to use guava leaf for hair loss?

One of the simple, inexpensive ways, in addition to being very practical, and which helps to combat hair loss, is the guava leaf.

It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, strong, healthy, and beautiful hair makes a good impression wherever you go, because most of the time, the locks end up being our calling card.

But worry can come along with your fall, so it is important to be aware and take the maximum care of your hair.

Don't worry, with our tips, you won't be helpless, and your locks will certainly avoid falling out.

There are several reasons that lead to hair loss, and consequently, hinders the beauty of the hair.

Nowadays, daily hair care is on the rise.

This care is not restricted to the female universe, men are increasingly adept at solutions that contribute to the health of the highlights.

If you are one of those people who like natural options for hair care, then you will enjoy using guava leaf.

An important piece of information, which is important to know, is that guava has several natural benefits for hair health.

Because it has the ability to prevent hair loss, in addition to assisting in the strength of the hair, and leaving them with a healthier appearance.


The guava leaf has several benefits, one of them is the fact that it is very rich in fiber, vitamins, A, B and C, in addition to having potassium and lycopene.

And not only that, the leaves have properties that are anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant.

Can you imagine, that the simple guava leaf was so powerful?

The nutrients present in the leaf help maintain the scalp, where the hair follicles are nourished, in addition to promoting the growth of new and resistant hair.



If you want to fight hair loss, then this recipe is perfect for you, as it is very practical and economical.

For better results, it is important to combine the following recipe with the use of an anti-hair loss shampoo, as the effect will be enhanced.


How to make:

To start, it is necessary to heat the water, and let it reach the boiling point.

Add the guava leaves, and simmer for another 25 minutes.

After that time, remove the mixture from the heat, and let it cool for about 30 minutes, before applying it.

Application method:

First, wash the locks using the anti-hair loss shampoo, and perform the last rinse with water from the guava leaf.

Massage into your scalp for 10 to 20 minutes, so that the composition is absorbed by the hair strands.

With this, the mixture will penetrate all the nutrients in the hair, helping to fight hair loss, in addition to making it stronger and healthier.

Remember that after rinsing with the homemade mixture, there is no need to rinse again with more water.

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