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How to thicken hair? Learn some recipes!

There are many questions about how to thicken hair, many women claim that this is a purely genetic trait, which you cannot change. Other women say they got thicker, fuller hair by applying some hair care products, but does it really work? That's what you'll check out today!

You have thin strands, but want to change that feature? Then check out some practical tips on how to thicken your hair!

Hair full and full of life is the desire of many women, and those who have very thin hair, usually choose to use vitamin capsules such as BeautyVip Hair, which in addition to giving volume and increasing the hair mass, provides softer and more shiny locks.

But the reality is that, together with the capsules that help give volume to the hair, there are other techniques and homemade recipes on how to thicken hair, and we will teach you all about this subject with this article.

How do I know if I have thin hair?

First of all, you need to know how to identify your hair type, as many women are not even aware that their hair is more thin. The common – and misleading – concept that many people have for thin hair is one that is thin and has some flaws.

But not quite. It may happen that you have fine hair, but it is not thin or flawed, for example. In fact, the main characteristic of fine hair is that it breaks extremely easily when straightened.

Obviously, this type of hair can have other peculiarities, such as being more fragile and thinner, but it is not an obligation. Even, according to some hairstylists, there is a very practical test, done at home, to identify the density of the hair.

With a rubber band, try to tie your hair into a ponytail. If you can pin the hair in just one turn, the hair tends to be thick. If two or three turns are needed, your hair has medium density. Now, if you need to do more than three turns, it's a sign that your hair is thin.

How to thicken hair?

Now that you know how to identify strand density, it's easier to understand how to thicken hair. After all, if you have a more medium-oriented density, the methods don't need to be that much more intense. Below you will find some ways to achieve this result in your locks.

Bet on hair reconstruction

There's no way, if you're looking to know how to thicken your hair, this is a tip that will show up anywhere. And that's because reconstruction, as the name suggests, is responsible for replacing mass and all the nutrients that were lost, literally rebuilding them.

It is noteworthy that the reconstruction can be done on any hair texture, whether straight, wavy, curly or curly. It is recommended to do this procedure every 15 days for very damaged strands and once a month for medium density hair.

Invest in hydration

Whether homemade moisturizing or moisturizing mask, if you want to know how to thicken your hair, this tip should be your ally. This process is responsible for replacing the water that the hair loses over time, making the strands even healthier and shiny.

It is recommended that you hydrate at least once a week. In fact, in addition to hydration visually thickening your hair, this is one of the ways to treat thin hair. That is, with this procedure, you solve two problems in one.

night wetting

Not all women are familiar with this term, but the fact is, if you're wondering how to thicken your hair, you'll eventually come across this information. After all, the nutrients absorbed by the strands during wetting are able to thicken the capillary fibers and make them fuller.

How about treating your locks and thickening your hair while you sleep? So start nightly wetting!

Night wetting is simply applying an oil to the length and letting the product act while you are sleeping. The next day, when you wake up, just wash your hair with shampoo and massage your scalp well so that no product residue remains.

eat better

Among many other things, our hair is a reflection of our diet. If we eat foods that are too greasy and processed, this will support our hairlines. Now, when our diet is based on some vitamins and minerals, for example, the result is completely different.

And what many women don't know is that what we eat can help thicken hair. Therefore, start eating foods with biotin, as this compound makes the strands thicker. This vitamin can be found in egg yolks, fish, broccoli, potatoes, milk and spinach, for example.

Homemade Recipes That Help Thicken Hair

Apart from the tips given above, it is interesting to know that there are some recipes to thicken hair, and best of all, you can make it with ingredients you have at home.

How to thicken hair with gelatin

Gelatin is an extremely common and easy-to-find ingredient, and many people don't even know that this product can help achieve fuller hair. For that, you just need:

  1. Put two tablespoons of colorless and flavorless powdered gelatin into the shampoo of your choice;
  2. Shake the bottle to mix well;
  3. Apply to hair massaging the scalp;
  4. Rinse and apply conditioner.

When making this recipe, remember that gelatin shampoo cannot be used all the time. The ideal is to do it no more than 3 times a week, interspersing with another shampoo.

How to thicken hair with Maizena

It is nothing new that Maizena is being cited as a beneficial product for the hair, after all, what is not lacking is a homemade recipe that uses this ingredient. However, to make your hair thicker with Maizena what you should do is:

  1. First wash your hair normally with a shampoo of your choice;
  2. Mix two tablespoons of cornstarch in a glass of water (200ml);
  3. Place over medium heat and wick until it has a pasty consistency;
  4. Once the mixture has cooled, add a scoop of your hair mask;
  5. With the hair still damp, apply the entire length and let it work for 30 minutes;
  6. Then just wash your hair under running water, without shampooing.
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