How to Care for Blond Hair: Learn 9 Tips

Currently, blonde hair is part of the schedule of thousands of women, who dye their hair to feel more beautiful. However, the lightening of the locks makes them dry, increasing the risk of becoming brittle and lifeless. With that in mind, today we are going to introduce you to a hair care routine, so that you can learn how to care for blonde hair.

Remembering that a factor that can aggravate the dryness of locks is the lack of vitamins in the body, which are essential to strengthen the strands and make them more resistant to chemicals. In this sense, many vain people resort to BeautyVip Hair, the divas capsules, which are important nutrients for your body and also for your hair, so don't forget to jump on this tip.

We will see together now some attentions you should have with your hair and also you will learn tricks on how to care for blond hair there in the comfort of your home, so come here with us to see this.

Do you know how to take care of your hair? Not? So now is the time for you to learn all about it, so your hair can look amazing.

What care should I take with my hair?

Understand here what you should do to keep your blond hair strong and shiny, so check out some tricks on how to care for blond hair below:

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Do not wash your hair with hot water

This tip is for all types of hair, as the hot water opens the hair cuticles causing it to lose its natural moisture and, consequently, become dry. This is even worse for dyed hair, as it tends to dry out due to the dyeing process.

Always use a thermal protector

This step is essential for those who use heat sources, such as a curling iron, a hair dryer and a flat iron, which are items that weaken our tresses, which is why the thermal protector is so important, since it reduces this impact on the hair.

Do capillary reconstruction

An important step to strengthen colored hair is reconstruction, which is based on the replacement of hair mass, giving the strands more movement. However, it is important to pay attention when pausing to repeat this process, as too much can make the strands hard and not malleable, which can cause breakage.

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Use tinting on the highlights

An amazing tip on how to take care of blond hair that has turned greenish or orange is to use the shader, as it acts as a color corrector, giving your hair that blond tone again, wonderful, right?

Use products suitable for blondes

Using specific products for blond hair is fundamental, such as creams, shampoos and conditioners, as they meet the needs of this type of hair, contributing to its resistance. An important piece of advice is to avoid anti-residue shampoos, as they accelerate the fading of blonde locks.

Keep the maintenance up to date

An interesting step is the retouching of the hair, as there are some tricks, such as discoloring only the root that has grown. There is no need to discolor the blond strands again, this can leave the hair fragile, for the length of the strand you just need to correct the color with a toner.

Use sunscreen suitable for hair

The sun's heat is one of the agents that most damages the hair, since in addition to drying out the strands, it also fades the color of our blonde hair, which is why it is important to use a sunscreen to protect the strands, reducing moisture loss of hair.

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Bet on the nutrition of your hair

Nutrition is a fundamental step to return nutrients to your blond hair, so invest in oils, which in addition to replenish protein, also provides shine and seals your hair, providing protection, so don't forget about that.

Hydrate your hair

Moisturizing your hair is a crucial step to restore moisture, softness, shine and combat dryness and frizz of the threads, so that your strands stay strong and away from breakage, so they can have more life. So we'll teach you to make two moisturizers for your hair, check out:

Hydration with cornstarch

1. First, in a bowl add two scoops of moisturizing mask and one scoop of cornstarch.
2. To boost the recipe, you can add half a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
3. Then mix the ingredients and apply them over your locks.
4. Finally, let it act on the strands for approximately thirty minutes.

Aloe hydration

1. In a non-metallic container, add a scoop full of aloe and two scoops of moisturizing mask.
2. After that, stir the compounds until it evens out and rub into your hair.
3. Then let the recipe work for forty minutes on your locks.
4. Finally, just remove this product from your yarn and you're done.

Now you already know how to take care of blonde hair, besides knowing amazing tips for them, so you just have to put into practice everything you learned here today.