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How to fortify the hair: Know what are the cares to strengthen the strands

See the best tips to strengthen the strands and make them beautiful

Regardless of the process, everyone wants beautiful and silky hair, but for that, it is first necessary to take care of the health of the strands and hair beauty comes as a result. Having weak and brittle hair is no one's desire, so the search for how to fortify your hair never ends. Worrying about the health of your locks is something that, whether you like it or not, affects everyone, as having beautiful hair directly affects people's self-esteem.

The first tip, and perhaps the best one, that I will give you on how to fortify your hair are the miracle capsules of BeautVip. Your hair will become much stronger, regain its shine and greatly reduce shedding. If your project is to have impeccable hair (which I think it is), this is the right choice. Go for it, friend, it's a success!

Cause of weak hair

The strands can be weakened by hormonal problems, lack of hydration, poor diet, chemical products, incorrect use of products, illnesses or because you have not been drinking enough water. See a doctor for an accurate diagnosis so you will know how to act to improve them. Stay here and see the next tips on how to fortify your hair.

how to fortify hair

Do you know how to take care of your hair when it is weak? Learn now how to fortify your hair.

To fortify the threads, it is necessary to adhere to new care and perhaps a change in routine, as several factors can influence the weakening of the threads. See how to fortify your hair and what can help you in this process.


To start at the root of the problem, the best care with the locks starts with food. The first tip on how to fortify your hair is to eat well, as this is not only good for the health of your body, but also for your locks. The intake of proteins, vitamins and certain minerals such as zinc and omega 3 make a huge difference when it comes to hair strength. So let's know the best foods to help you in this case.

fish and seeds

Foods rich in omega 3 are anti-inflammatory and help reduce hair loss. Eat salmon, sardines, herring, tuna, seeds such as flaxseed and chia, or flaxseed and canola oils.

citrus fruits

Fruits such as orange, kiwi, pineapple, tangerine, strawberry and lemon are rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant and is also important in the production of collagen, an essential protein in the structure of hair.

Dry fruits

Vitamin B is important in the development of hair follicles and this is present in foods such as cashew nuts, peanuts, walnuts, oats, almonds and hazelnuts. This will help prevent baldness.

Foods rich in minerals.

Iron is an important hair health food present in beets, beans and eggs. The lack of this mineral can lead to hair loss, as it contributes to the oxygenation of the scalp tissues.

Another mineral to be consumed is zinc and it is present in dried fruits such as peanuts and Brazil nuts. They play an important role in hair growth and development as it is associated with collagen production. The lack of it can leave the threads thin and dull.

Drink water

In addition to aiding digestion, water acts directly on the hair root, increasing the strength and vigor of the hair. It will also help to eliminate and prevent dandruff and seborrhea.


And there? Do you know how to take care of fragile hair? Learning how to fortify hair is essential.
Make frequent capillary hydration.

If you need to know how to fortify your hair, the answer is simply: hydration. Doing this is critical and should be done at least every 15 days. Moisturizing will keep your hair strong and silky. In some cases, just the hydration routine may not be enough to meet the needs of the hair. adopt to schedule.

hair nutrition

Nutrition will act by replacing the fats that are part of the hair's composition, contributing to an improvement in the strand structure and giving it more protection for future procedures.

hair reconstruction

THE hair reconstruction it is the most important in the fortification process. It will act more deeply in the hair, bringing back the nutrients that were lost in chemical processes.

Strengthening Masks

Look for good quality masks that have amino acids and proteins in their composition. Use the mask at least once a week.

thermal protector

The protection of the strands, both in the moments of shaping with thermal devices and in everyday life, will make a big difference in the tresses. The sun can damage the strands, as can thermal stylers, so protect the strands from excessive heat.

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