How to straighten hair naturally? learn homemade recipes and get the slick of dreams

The famous slick of dreams is certainly the goal of thousands of women. Those who already have straight hair, or slightly wavy, have the desire to leave their hair with the famous “straight straight” effect. However, instead of using products harmful to the hair, we will teach you how to straighten your hair naturally.

How to straighten hair naturally?

Many women don't know, but it is possible to straighten your hair using only natural ingredients, and a little moisturizing cream.

In our daily hair treatments, it is very common to use chemical products, which gradually steal the hair's vitality. In addition to our natural listing, we can give you another very nice indication, so you can fortify your hair.

Have you heard of the BeautyVip Hair? Not?! Well, it has been the capillary supplementation capsule, most used by Brazilian divas and influencers. If you don't believe it, just look at the many positive reports from women who have improved the health of their hair, and even their skin and nails with this incredible capsule.

If you are already familiar with the benefits of BeautVip, then we will go on to our tutorial on how to straighten your hair naturally. Our natural enlistment recipes will be made from rituals of hydration, which will give more softness to the strands, and consequently will make them smoother.

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Smoothing/moisturizing with cornstarch:

This is definitely one of our favorite moisturizers, as it is super simple and quick to be made, and it doesn't need more than ingredients that are easy to find at home. But enough of the chat and let's go straight to action:

The first step is to make a kind of porridge with water and cornstarch. We will not give you the right proportion, as the amount will depend on the size of your hair. After making our porridge, just add it to a container, and add a few tablespoons of moisturizing cream. Do this process only when the porridge has warmed up, so that it doesn't end the action of the mask.

Now just wash your hair normally with a shampoo, and remove excess water with a towel. Then just apply our mixture to each lock of hair, waiting 30 minutes, preferably with a cap, and then remove all our hydration with water, finishing with a quality conditioner.

This is one of the best ways to straighten your hair naturally. Corn starch, when cooked with water, has the potential to penetrate the interior of the hair, making them soft and smooth. This super ingredient can be considered one of the greatest allies of our locks.

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Enlistment/hydration with honey:

And let's go to one more way to straighten your hair naturally. Honey is one of the best foods in the world (in pancakes it's definitely king), so why not use it in your hair? Well, enough of the trap and let's go to our recipe:

All you will need to do is add to a container, two tablespoons of honey, and three equal tablespoons of moisturizing mask, mixing it all together. Then just apply our mixture to damp hair, and wait about an hour, with a thermal cap on your head.

Then, just rinse the hair thoroughly so that no honey residue remains (you won't want ants on your head, go for me), then just apply the conditioner of your choice and rinse the hair again.

Honey works as a natural conditioner, and has the power to seal hair strands. That's why using it in our moisturizing recipes is a great way to straighten your hair naturally. There are countless other ways to use honey in your hair, so keep always on with us.

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Enlistment/hydration with coconut oil:

If there is something that is highly recommended by most dermatologists, it is the use of natural products, especially vegetable oils, which deeply hydrate the hair and bring several benefits.

The use of vegetable oils in hair, is a very beneficial act for our hair. Using natural products is a great way to get rid of the chemistry present in several industrialized products, which promise worlds and funds to straighten our tresses, but which ultimately end up causing a lot of damage. If you want to know how to straighten your hair naturally with coconut oil, then give us a call!

Just add in a container, half a teaspoon of coconut oil, and two tablespoons of moisturizing mask, mixing everything well, and applying to hair after removing excess moisture from the first wash.

Now let's go from the standard procedure of waiting about 30 minutes with a thermal cap, and remove all the mixture with water, finishing with the good old conditioner. Using products taken from nature is the best way to straighten your hair naturally. Coconut oil, in addition to keeping frizz far away, is also capable of promoting a straightening effect, leaving the hair looser and softer.

Those were the best ways to naturally straighten the hair that we were able to separate for you. I hope you enjoyed it, and that you can achieve the smooth of dreams!