How to remove the hair progressive and return the curls?

“How to remove the hair progressive and return the curls?”, many women have asked this question, but few of them got a conclusive answer. The progressive, despite being a hair procedure, much done and sought after by them, still generates a lot of doubts, especially with regard to how to remove it without causing damage to the hair. That's why we're here today to help you with this hair dilemma.  

However, before you can learn how to get the progressive and curl back, your hair needs to be strong enough for that. After a progressive, the hair tends to suffer some damage, and often loses some of its natural vitality. To end this problem, a group of scientists specializing in female beauty, developed a multivitamin capsule, which is able to strengthen your hair and restore its natural vitality.  

His name is BeautyVip Hair, and she has helped thousands and thousands of women to restore life and beauty to their hair, which has been compromised by harmful procedures. All this is only possible thanks to its rebuilding action, which is able to make hair silky and shiny again, just like a small capsule a day. Now that you know the best way to strengthen your hair again.  

How to remove the hair progressive and return the curls? 

Let's teach you now, a safe way to get your curls back after a progressive.

Straight hair can even be very beautiful and glamorous, however many women wish to return to their beloved natural curls after making a progressive. However, this is often not an easy task, and it requires a lot of patience and care. In times where more and more women have accepted the natural curl of their hair, it is important to teach safe techniques on how to remove the progressive and return the curls. 

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1st step:  

To get back with your beautiful curls, the first thing you should do is immediately stop using the progressive brush on your hair, and also the use of products that can alter the hair's natural curvature. It seems obvious, but many women end up using products to reduce the natural volume of their hair, and this causes there to be an excess of chemicals in the hair, which do not allow the natural curl to return to normal.  

2nd step: 

For you who were looking for ways to remove the hair progressive and return to curls, know that betting on a hair reconstruction is ideal for you. Over time, the hair begins to lose nutrients, which are essential for good growth, and to keep its health up to date. Procedures such as the progressive one are responsible for accelerating this loss, and therefore, the best way to end its action is to nourish and rebuild the hair little by little.  

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3rd step:  

What do you do with a tree with a tree that grows in a disorderly way? That's right, you prune your leaves! Not unlike trees, our hair needs a cut periodical, especially when the objective is to remove the progressive from the wires. But if you're afraid of scissors, cut well little by little, and bet more and more on shorter cuts, until you get used to it, and your hair loses the action of the progressive little by little. 

4th step: 

“Anti-residue shampoo removes the progressive?”, I'm sure that doubt must have been hanging in your pretty little head. Well, know that yes, the anti-residue shampoo removes the progressive, by entering deeply into the hair fiber, removing any type of chemical accumulation that may be there. However, you should be very careful when using this product as it can leave your hair very dry. Use only once a week to ensure the progressive goes away without causing further damage. 

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5th step:  

This step is already a bit optional, for those who want to know how to remove the hair progressive and return the curls, as it is a somewhat aggressive method for the hair. What we are talking about is the use of products that remove hair progressive, through chemical actives. Yes! It will be like fighting fire with fire, as the progressive is also done through chemicals and the application of heat.  

It is necessary to be very careful when treating the hair after a progressive one.

Because it is often a method that can damage your locks, the use of progressive remover products is not recommended for those who are going through a period of hair fragility. If you are with the famous scab hair, it's good to keep your wires well away from this type of product. 

These are the tips they can give you, regarding progressive hair removal. Although these are the best methods, you should always seek help from a professional who specializes in the subject, as they will better assess your hair.