How to remove false nails: Learn how to remove false nails without hurting

People, especially women, love to have long nails, but this is not always possible. That's because some people are addicted to biting their nails, or they can't because of housework, with children and others, or simply because the nails are weak and don't develop. And since there is a solution for everything, we have the option of using false nails, a temporary way if you have big nails. But only after putting them in, the question arises “how am I going to take them out?”. So I brought the solution! I will teach you how to remove a false nail.

The use of false nails is a way to temporarily have beautiful nails, but not a healthy method for natural nails. That's because when you put them on, the natural nail can't breathe, so the continuous and incorrect use can damage them, make them weaker and in some cases, it can even give rise to fungus.

To help keep your nails healthy, even with the use of a false nail, vitamins and nutrients are needed for the natural nail to develop and remain strong. Do you know what can help you with this? BeautVip! The capsule is amazing and has the ability to replenish all the nutrients so that the nail regains strength and develops better. Did you like the tip? So now let's learn how to take out a false nail.

How to remove false nails?

There's even the right way to remove false nails. Come learn.

The false nail must be removed in the correct way, with calm delicacy so that the natural nail does not have any damage in the process. That way, you'll be able to use the fakes whenever you want and still have healthy nails. In addition, it will be necessary to remove all the residue of glue that remains on the nail, dust can also contribute to the proliferation of fungi and damage to the nail.

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How to remove false nails with petroleum jelly and aluminum foil

You will need:

  • Vaseline
  • 10 pieces of cotton
  • 10 foil strips
  • Nail polish remover (not acetone as this further contributes to nail damage)

Step by step

  1. Trim all false nails close to natural nails or fingers.
  2. Run the petroleum jelly through your fingers, especially the cuticles.
  3. Soak all the cotton in the nail polish remover
  4. Place a piece of cotton over each nail and wrap it with aluminum foil.
  5. Leave it for 20. In this time, it will be soft and come out more easily.
  6. Remove the foil and cotton, then remove the false nail with a toothpick.
  7. Then wash your hands thoroughly and apply moisturizer to your cuticles to prevent dryness.
  8. If you prefer, apply tonic or strengthening foundation.
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How to remove false nails with warm water

If you don't have a product to remove the fixtures at home, but want to remove them, the option is to use warm water. This is a longer process, but there is no product that is better for the cuticles.

  1. Trim the ends of all false nails
  2. Bring the water to the fire and heat it up. The temperature should be as hot as possible and you need to be able to get your hands inside, so don't let it reach a boiling point.
  3. Put the hot water in a container and dip your fingers into it. Leave on for 40 minutes.
  4. When you notice that the nails are softening, remove with the help of a toothpick.
  5. Apply moisturizer to cuticles

How to Remove Glue from False Nails

Okay, we take off the false nails. But now how I renew the glue on my nails. This is certainly not a simple task. You can use a nail polish and file the nail until the glue is completely removed, or you can remove it with acetone. Put acetone on a cotton pad and go through your nails until the glue comes out completely. After removing the nails and glue, apply a moisturizer to avoid nail damage and the cuticles.

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My nail has fungus, what do I do?

If the nail has fungus, maybe it's a reason to worry.

The treatment of nail fungus is done using antifungal medications prescribed by a dermatologist. Fluconazole and Itraconazole are examples of tablets used in this case. Or, you can also use specific ointments or enamels for this type of problem, such as Loceryl, Mycolamine or Fungirox.

You can get information from a pharmacist, but it is better to look for a dermatologist for an evaluation and then indicate the appropriate treatment, as fungi more developed can become chronic. If this happens, a laser treatment may be necessary, as this technique will remove the fungus through infrared and is more effective to combat this problem, but a more expensive resolution as well.

As already said, I look for a doctor to be evaluated. Discontinue the use of falsehoods and nail polishes for a while. And do the treatment correctly and for the specified time so that the problem doesn't come back in the future.