How to Get Dye From Your Hair: Learn How to Remove Ink

Dyed your hair but regretted the result? In this article, you will learn how to get dye out of your hair and some of the techniques, it is not even necessary to use any chemistry. Want to know more about the subject? Just check out this article.

How to get dye out of hair
Tired or regretted the color you applied to your hair? So come learn how to get dye out of your hair!

Dyed hair needs a lot of care, and it's no wonder that during this period many women try to use the BeautyVip Hair, as it promises more hydrated hair, more resistant strands and stimulates growth. But if you want to know how to get dye out of your hair, just check out the next few paragraphs.

Can I get dye out of my hair without chemicals?

It is perfectly possible for you to remove the dye from your hair without using any chemicals, but this will depend on a few factors. As everyone already knows, the Black ink it is more difficult to get out of the hair, precisely because it is a pigmentation that groups more easily in our hair.

In these cases, it is recommended that you see a specialist so that he can evaluate your case and decide if it is possible to remove the black ink without adding any type of chemical.

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But apart from this special case, if you've dyed your hair any other color not so dark, and you want to know how to get dye out of your hair, know that it's perfectly possible to do this without any chemicals. Want to know how? Just check out our tips below.

How to get hair dye off?

If you have dyed your hair but don't like the result, you probably want to know how to dye your hair. In the next few paragraphs, we'll give you some tips for getting this done.

Anti-residue shampoo

Want a simple way to get hair dye off? Simple, just use the anti-residue shampoo. This product, for having a special composition and being more alkaline than the others, is great for promoting greater cleaning and removing hair dye.

It is a highly recommended product for those who want to clean the scalp, as it has an extremely high cleansing power. As it opens the hair cuticle, it makes it penetrate deep into the strands and is able to remove the dye from the hair.

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So much so that one of the precautions that women with dyed hair have is precisely to avoid using this product. But if you want to know how to get dye out of your hair, just follow this tip. However, you need to be careful.

It is not because it promotes the removal of ink that you should use it every day, as this will cause the hair to dry out. We recommend using it every 10 days and combining with hydration to keep hair healthy.


Stripping is a procedure that involves chemistry, and its use is generally recommended only for women whose hair color has a darker pigmentation, such as black.

THE pickling it must be handled by a professional, given that it is a very aggressive procedure to the threads. But if your pigmentation is too dark, this may be the only alternative.


Another tip for those who want to know how to remove hair dye is to use baking soda, but not directly on the hair. In fact, you should mix the baking soda with some other product, like a dandruff shampoo, for example.

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This technique contributes to lightening the threads without damaging them, since the anti-dandruff shampoo by itself makes the threads fade faster. To follow this tip, just add 200ml of bicarbonate to the dandruff shampoo.


Shampooing is a great technique on how to remove hair dye, because, through this procedure, it is possible to fade up to three shades of hair. Basically, you will need to use shampoo with hydrogen peroxide and bleaching powder.

How to Shampoo Hair Dye
It is possible to shampoo your hair dye, but it is important that you leave it on for the correct amount of time.

However, it is good to be careful when doing this technique, such as measuring the correct amount of hydrogen peroxide according to the recipe. Other than that, it is strictly mixing hydrogen peroxide in a neutral shampoo.

Ink remover

Currently on the market there are several products that promise to remove hair dye. Therefore, you can use one of them to restore the color of your locks. These products have properties that help to remove pigments without damaging the hair.

Therefore, when compared to other methods, it is much less aggressive for hair health. When looking for a dye remover kit, follow all instructions on the package to get the dye out of your hair.