How to Recover Elastic and Brittle Hair: Find Out How Next

If you're wondering how to recover elastic and brittle hair, you've definitely come to the right place. Next, we'll talk more about this issue that has been making women worried about their hair and that they are trying to somehow end the problem.

If you have this problem, you will definitely enjoy using the beautvip hair which will strengthen your strands and prevent your hair from falling out, in addition to giving a healthier look and leaving it softer and more shiny, it also seals your hair cuticles and works as a hair schedule.

For you to have been wondering how to get back elastic and brittle hair, you may have noticed that when your hair is straightened, it ends up breaking very easily, but what does that mean? It means that the hair fiber is completely fragile, and because of that it ends up facilitating the fall of your hair when they are handled.

Why are threads elastic and brittle?

Understand why threads are elastic and brittle.

Before we talk about how to recover elastic and brittle hair, we need to understand the causes that can cause it to be this way. And there are many causes that can lead the hair to be like this and the possible weakening of the strands, but one main thing I will be talking about now.

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The main cause of hair becoming elastic and brittle is the famous use of chemical procedures, for example: discoloration. Because when this process is being carried out, together with the pigment it ends up removing the lipid rate, it also removes the proteins in the hair, besides dilating the hair cuticle a lot, thus unprotecting the cortex.

When the cortex is unprotected, it ends up leaving this part completely exposed, and thus the hair is weakened. Also, other types of chemicals may be causing your strands to break, especially if they are combined. 

For this reason, it is very important that you always carry out procedures with professionals and in beauty salons that you trust, so that you avoid overlapping different chemicals or even time intervals so as not to overload the hair fiber.

When you use too much excess heat on the strands, especially when you use the flat iron or dryer frequently and without the use of thermal protection on the strands, it ends up wearing the cuticles of your hair, and thus ends up leaving the hair very rough and so doing break easily, so invest in hair protection products.

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How to recover elastic and brittle hair

See how to recover elastic and brittle hair.

Asking yourself how to restore elastic and brittle hair but not doing anything about it that really works doesn't work. Once your hair is elastic, it doesn't do much good for you to do a single treatment and think you've solved the problem, as it goes far beyond that.

If you've wondered how to recover elastic and brittle hair, researched it and are now doing a routine of continuous treatments, then you're doing it right! So this routine will gradually restore strength to your hair and keep your strands healthy, shiny and resistant to breakage.

The ideal for you to know how to recover elastic and brittle hair is going to a hairdresser to make an accurate diagnosis of your hair and so you will know better what level of damage your hair has and then yes, he will direct you to treatments for your problem.

There are four types of damage that your hair can be suffering, one being more superficial and light and the four much more intense, with constant hair breakage. You may be getting your elastic and brittle hair back at home, but of course with some care.

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A tip on how to recover elastic and brittle hair is to be performing a hair reconstruction in the beauty salon that you prefer, as the professionals have access to some exclusive products and techniques that make a total difference.

And then in everyday life you can be making simple habits to help protect your hair and strengthen it. Remembering that it is very important to use a thermal protector, to alleviate the mechanical damage of the heat source. You may be using a leave-in on damp hair to speed up brushing.

This way you will make your strands more resistant and guarantee a silky and polished finish. You may be using a comb with wide teeth to untangle the strands, gently untangle the hair to avoid friction that breaks the hair.

A tip is to start untying the knots that formed at the ends of the hair and then gradually go up to the root, and then just continue with the brushing, so you avoid even hurting when combing your hair. Now you know how to recover elastic and brittle hair, you know tips on how to keep your strands healthy and hydrated, if you have any questions, look for a professional so that he can answer your questions.