How to make homemade cucumber mask

One of the most common scenes in movies, when a woman is trying to take care of herself, is the famous cucumber slices around her eyes. But what a lot of people don't know is that it's not just another Hollywood nonsense, but a way of skin treatment, using homemade cucumber mask.

Combining homemade skin treatments, with a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, is the most indicated to keep you always healthy. But in our daily routine, maintaining this balanced diet is a very complex task. Luckily, there is a vitamin on the market that can help you maintain that balance. His name is BeautVip, and she has already become a great ally of women, who want to keep their skin healthy and rejuvenated.


In this article, we will teach you how to make homemade cucumber mask, spending little and bringing wonderful results for the skin:

The cucumber mask is an ideal solution for people who want to make their aesthetic treatments with more natural products, to avoid adverse effects, such as oiliness and the appearance of acnes. Our goal is to make women's lives more and more practical, and that's why we're going to teach them how to make homemade cucumber mask.

  1. The benefits of cucumber:

In addition to having a very high nutritional content in food, it can become a great ally in aesthetic treatments, as it acts directly on the skin, and even on the scalp.

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Cucumber is rich in potassium, magnesium, fiber, antioxidants and vitamins such as C and B5 and a lot of water, making it the darling of aesthetic treatments. In hair, it is a great moisturizer, causing many hair producers to be made based on it.

It sounds like a grandma's story, but cucumber even helps to eliminate dark circles, as it has a lightening action on the skin. If you doubt it, just put two cucumber slices under your eyes, and wait for a few minutes, and notice the difference they make in the color of dark circles. A basic tip is to lie down in the sun to speed up the effects.

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2- And let's go to the recipes:

This is a skin treatment considered to be very versatile as there are many ways to make homemade cucumber mask. But don't worry, we'll put here the best and most used ways to do it.

Homemade cucumber mascara for stains: This is the best homemade cucumber mask, for those who have problems with dark circles. In addition to solving this problem, it also brings freshness to the skin, due to the action of mint.

Essa receita é muito fácil: Basta bater 4 folhas de hortelã (de preferência bem fresquinho), com meio pepino e 100 ml de água, até misturar tudo muito bem. Depois é só aplicar no rosto bem limpinho, e esperar 15 minutos para enxaguar. .

Cucumber is a great ally for healthy skin

Homemade cucumber pimple mask: This recipe is the most suitable for anyone who suffers from the problem of pimples on the skin. In addition to increasing the speed of healing, it serves as an exfoliant for the skin, and should be used at least 3 times a week. We teach you how to make homemade cucumber mascara, but who defines the best way to use it, and how often, are you.

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Blend half a cucumber in a blender, with a spoonful of oats, until it forms a paste. After that, just add a generous spoon of honey and mix well. Hence the standard procedure: apply on the face and leave for 20 minutes, washing the face afterwards.

Homemade cucumber mask for dry or irritated skin: This recipe is ideal for colder times, as the action of milder temperatures can cause irritation and dryness of the skin. Therefore, the ideal is to do it as soon as it becomes a change in the appearance of the skin.

Just cut the cucumber into a cube, place it in a blender with the milk and egg white, and mix everything. When a consistent paste is formed, just apply it to the already sanitized face, avoiding the mouth region, and leave it for 20 minutes, washing off with water right after.

Use the most suitable mask for your case, and combine homemade treatments, with a capsule with homemade compounds in its formula, such as BeautyVip Hair.