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How to tell if I'm going bald: Know the signs

If your hair is an important part of building your self-esteem, you may wonder how to tell if I'm going bald. And this is a very relevant question, because when symptoms are discovered early, it is possible to reverse the situation.

It is essential to keep an eye on the signs of baldness because, when discovered early, the chances of treatment are much greater.

In fact, one of the solutions is to use the BeautyVip Hair, as it stimulates hair growth, increases hair mass and leaves strands more voluminous. Want to know more about the subject? So check out this article!

Can women also go bald?

Baldness is seen by many people as a male problem. It is undeniable to say that this type of problem really affects men more. However, what many don't know is that the baldness can affect women and therefore it is important to be aware of the signs.

Generally, female pattern baldness is associated with androgenetic alopecia, which is when there is some hereditary issue involved. Even baldness affects women's 50%. Therefore, it is important to demystify the statement that only men suffer from baldness.

Can baldness be treated?

Many people, after asking themselves how to know if I am going bald, also wonder if this problem is reversible and the answer is: it depends. There are several causes that can cause you to be losing hair, and to know if there is treatment, first you have to find out the cause.

But, in the vast majority of cases, baldness can indeed be reversed, however, only a specialist will be able to inform you with more properties as in your case. It's also good to know how to recognize the differences between hair loss and baldness, as it is not all the same thing.

What are the signs of baldness?

How do I know if I'm going bald? Well, the easiest way to answer this question is to try to find out if you are showing the signs of baldness. And in the following topics, that's what you'll read about.

Change in hair strands

Before your hair begins to fall out, you may experience some other symptoms, the main one being the change in hair strands. So, since you want to know if you are going bald, be aware if your hair characteristics are undergoing transmutation.

For example, if your hair gets thinner or coarse, know that this is a big sign of baldness. Therefore, if you are noticing this sign, it might be interesting to start thinking about seeking some treatment early.

Constant hair loss

Many people wonder: how do I know if I'm going bald? And one of the clear signs of this disease is precisely the constant loss of hair. Therefore, always keep an eye on the amount of strands that fall when brushing your hair, for example.

Be aware that it is generally normal for up to 100 hairs to fall a day, and if you notice that the number of hairs falls is higher than that number, it could be one of the signs that you are going bald.

Less voluminous hair

This is a sign of baldness that not everyone is aware of and it is not always easy to notice. After all, many people don't even know what the normal thickness of the wires is. However, to know if you are going bald, be aware of this fact.

When you are getting bald, it is normal for the hairs to become thinner and less bulky. It is recurrent, for example, to comb the locks and feel that the hair is thinner, making it more prone to falling out.

itchy head

Here is another sign of baldness that many people did not know about; the itchy scalp. If you are experiencing a sudden and frequent itch, keep an eye out as you may be going bald.

If you have this symptom, you need to be even more careful, as constant friction when scratching or brushing the locks can aggravate the case even more, and may even cause irreversible damage to the scalp.

Constantly scratching your hair can aggravate baldness symptoms. Therefore, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Despite being one of the signs of baldness, when you experience excessive itchiness in the head, seek medical attention immediately, as this symptom can indicate other problems such as psoriasis or dermatitis.

Professional monitoring is irrevocable in these situations, as only he can identify and try to treat your tresses in time. Therefore, do not neglect this part to ensure even healthier hair.

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