How to get the yellow out of your hair: see tips and tricks on how to do it at home

It is not new that women look for homemade alternatives to lighten their tresses, without having to leave the house. However, sometimes this process does not go as expected, due to several factors, causing the dreaded yellow streaks. Natural or dyed blondes can experience this problem, which is why we are here to teach you how to get the yellow out of your hair.

But first of all, it's good that you get to know the biggest ally of hair, whether it's blond, black, red, etc. The name of this great ally is the capsule of BeautyVip Hair, which will help you fight the various damages your hair is subjected to on a daily basis, acting directly at the root of the problem, with its various vitamins, minerals and natural assets.

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Why did my hair turn yellow?

There are a few reasons why your hair has turned yellow, and that's what we're going to talk about now.

That blond hair is simply beautiful, we all know. However, they can be considered a lot of work, as keeping them always beautiful is not an easy task. Blond hair needs some special care, as well as other hair tones, but if not kept, can make the strands have a yellowish tone not pretty.

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Excessive washing can cause the threads to fade, as some components present in the water can act directly on the threads, causing them to fade after a short period after dyeing. Copper sulfate is one of those components that act directly on the wires, causing some damage, including fading.

The use of common shampoos can be one of the biggest causes of hair yellowing, as they do not prevent the pigment from leaving the hair at each wash. Betting on the use of an anti-fade shampoo is one of the best ways to get the yellow out of your hair.

How to avoid yellowing in hair?

Whether your hair is dyed or natural blonde, it is more than necessary that you follow some very basic tips, so that it does not acquire the much dreaded yellowish hue. I know it's getting repetitive, but creating and using a capillary schedule, can help you a lot in this task.

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All hair types need daily and periodic care, but with blonde hair, some of them have to be redoubled. The use of thermal protector before using any type of heat tool is more than mandatory for blond hair, as they directly suffer the action of heat.

Many women after dyeing their hair blonde end up maintaining the same care they had before dyeing their hair, and this ends up resulting in dry, brittle and possibly yellowish hair. Therefore, if you have dyed your hair, it is essential that you do reconstructions and nutritions periodically, as this is one of the best ways to get the yellow out of your hair.

How to get the hair out of yellow?

With the use of some very simple products, you can end up with yellowing of your hair.

These days, fortunately we can count on a wide range of products from home use (Never homemade!), thus making the trip to the salon to get the yellow out of your hair completely unnecessary.

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Have you ever heard of hair coloring? Not?! Well then, the tinting is widely used by women, who want to remove unwanted pigmentation from their hair, and it is also the best way to remove the yellow from the hair, as well as the orange tone as well.

First of all, it's good that you look for a quality matcher, otherwise the results won't come out as expected. First you must separate the hair into locks, and apply the product in each of them, always towards the root. Apply a greater amount of tinting to the streaks that are more yellowish.

Then just massage the locks well, wait about 10 minutes and remove them like an anti-fading shampoo. Finish the process with a conditioner or treatment cream of your choice.

This is definitely the best way to get the yellow out of your hair, as it is a much less aggressive method than using gentian violet or homemade ingredients such as ketchup and others. Avoid using these ways to get the yellow out of your hair, as they are completely harmful to your hair's health.