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How to make hair streaks simple at home

The locks have become a very practical alternative for those who want to lighten their hair.

Women who seek to change their look, through lighting, have been looking more and more for the streaking process. The locks are able to bring different styles, depending on the chosen color, the thickness of the lock and other parameters. That's why we're here to teach you how to make locks in your hair, achieving the result of any professional beauty salon.  

Fortify your hair before streaking: 

Your hair must receive the necessary attention so as not to suffer from the action of chemicals present in hydrogen peroxide, dye or bleaching powder. That's why today we're going to teach you how to do streaks in your hair yourself.

Before doing any type of procedure, it is necessary that the hair is strong, to receive any kind of chemistry that will come. Therefore, make a serious evaluation of your hair, even with the help of a professional, before going any further, and learning how to make locks in your hair. But if your hair is too weak to go through the entire process, know that this problem has a solution.  

Women who want to give more strength and vitality to their locks, have increasingly bet on products with the action of natural ingredients. One of these products, which has been increasingly highlighted, is the BeautyVip Hair, which with its capillary fortification and revitalization action, is capable of leaving the hair stronger and ready to fight, from the roots to the ends.  

In addition to keeping the hair strong, it is necessary that it is properly hydrated, so that it does not suffer from the action of chemicals, which often end up as the natural vitality of the strands, causing after the procedure, such as making locks, for example, the hair ends up becoming weak and brittle.  

The ideal for these moments is to bet on homemade hydration recipes, such as hydration with coffee powder for example, which is able, in addition to moisturizing the hair, also exfoliate the scalp, stimulating the strands and the controlled production of sebum in the region.  

Even after the hairdresser's (or your own) evaluation, you should take the infamous streak test, which is more important than most people think. The streak test serves as proof that your hair will go through the coloring process without further damage. Adverse reactions, such as allergies for example, can be prevented with the streak test, and that is why it must be taken seriously.  

There are a few patterns you should know about before you learn how to do highlights. These models are separated according to strand thickness, colors and so on. Stay with us to understand a little more about this.  

What are the types of locks? 

Before we teach you how to make locks in your hair alone, we need to show you what types of locks are most used by women.


The lights are the best known highlights and are used by women. They consist of painting some locks (the amount may vary), in shades of blonde, and always from the roots to the tips. Highlights are one of the most conventional ways of streaking your hair, and they sure guarantee a great result for any woman.  


In this type of lock, a more natural look is acquired, through larger locks and with a more intense contrast, very close to the original hair color. Many women also like to bet, in a few different shades of blonde, which are mixed together.  


Another model of locks, which has been getting talked about in recent times, are the Californian locks. Unlike other styles, this one doesn't stick to the gradient as much, and the color transition is a little more pronounced and apparent. She makes a great reference to the surfers of the 80s, who had their hair bleached by the sun, or even by the use of paraffin on their hair.  


This model is already quite contrary to Californian locks, as it consists of a less flashy look, through thinner locks, and well blended with the original color of the threads. Before learning how to make highlights, babylights, it's good to know that retouching will have to be done more often.  

Ombre Hair:  

This model is for those who have less time, and patience to make color touches. The ombré hair is a streak model, which has as its greatest feature, the color gradient.  

Anyway, there are other models of wicks, but we will not discuss them here now, as the differences between the models already mentioned are not so apparent. Now we are going to teach you, how to make locks in your hair yourself.  

How to make locks of hair alone? 

Let's teach you now, how to make locks in your hair yourself, without difficulty.

1st step: After choosing the color, and having left the hair for at least 2 days without washing, you will put a little stalk in the silicone hole, and spread it well.  

2nd step: With the hair that was left out of the burrow, tied in a ponytail, pull thin locks out of the holes in the burrow, with a crochet hook.  

3rd step: Mix a part of bleaching powder, for each measure of hydrogen peroxide of 30 volumes, and apply this mixture to the hair with a brush for bleaching or dyeing.  

4th step: If you want a more natural result, leave the area closer to the scalp without receiving the mixture. Wait 20 minutes or until the strands acquire the desired tone (do not go too far, as your strands can be damaged). 

5th step: Remove the mixture from the hair with water, and finish with shampoo and conditioner.  

And presto, this is the easiest and safest way to make locks of hair yourself. But remember to always look for the best products, because although you know how to make locks in your hair yourself, the results may not come out as expected if you use products of dubious quality, or that are not suitable for your hair.

These were our tips, on how to make locks at home. Another very valid tip is to look for several references on the internet, especially for women who are most like you, before undergoing the procedure. See you later! 

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