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How to make natural curls in your hair: Find out how to do it

Learn below how to make natural curls in your hair.

Curls have been much sought after by women and if you are looking to make your hair curls that have a more natural look, find out now how to make natural curls in your hair and of course, in simple objective ways to make you beautiful.

For your hair to look even more natural, it needs to be hydrated and well cared for, so you can be using the beautvip hair, which will hydrate your hair, strengthen it and work as a complete hair schedule, so you can take care of your hair in a practical way.

To have hairstyles with curls doesn't seem like an easy task, but when you have practice, it will seem easier. But maybe you've already tried and haven't achieved the desired result, but now you're going to do how to make natural curls in your hair in simpler ways.

For hair that is straight, many of these women intend to change the look more, so they resort to knowing how to make natural curls in their hair, so that the look is different. Sometimes they find it very difficult to enjoy the techniques as they end up looking unnatural. Curly hair may be using the help of a diffuser to make your hair even more curly with defined curls, simple and fast.

Next, find out how to make natural curls in your hair in a practical, fast way and that you'll surely love, as they are ways you can be doing alone at home, but if you want someone's help, no problem, because the more hands, even the better the result and it can come out even faster.

How to make natural curls in your hair

See how to make natural curls in your hair.


Several women have already bet on this Miracurl curly hair technique, as this device is practical and fast and the way to use it is very simple. You just separate a small strand and fit it inside the device. Afterwards it will suck the rest of the hair in and when it beeps you can open it. And so he will come out with the perfect and defined curl. You can use the wide tooth comb to make the look more relaxed, so it will leave the hair with natural waves and the hair more loose.


Who doesn't know the famous babyliss? It is still widely used by many women today and can be used in these tips on how to make natural curls in your hair. Its use is super simple! But of course, before using it apply a thermal product so that your hair is not damaged by heat. Then, open the tweezers of the curling iron and wrap your hair, then just separate a few seconds and release the hair. A tip is to put the hair keeping the tweezers open, so you avoid pressing it and leaving it wrinkled. 

Nowadays with modernity, there is already a babyliss that also plays the role of curling your hair in the device, making the process even simpler and faster, you may be choosing what best fits in your pocket.

Curling iron

If you don't have any of the products mentioned above, know what you can be doing with your thin flat iron! I bet you have a flat iron at home. And you can be using the flat iron in two ways. In the first one, you open the device and put the hair in the middle, then curl the lock as if you were going to do it in the babyliss, then when you notice or feel that the hair is already very hot, open the flat iron and remove the lock.

In the second, you wind the lock with your finger, as if you were making a donut and then press the same, leaving it for a few seconds. When you release your hair in either way, your hair will have a slight wavy and a natural look.

How to keep your curls natural and do without braces 

Know how to keep your curls longer and without using assistive devices.

Of course, once you know how to do natural curls in your hair, it's important that you know how to keep the curls straight afterwards. You might be using spray curlers or mousses to hold your curls. Always after applying the methods, especially after the curling iron or flat iron, apply the products. Another tip on how to make natural curls in your hair is before bed you wash your hair and dry it.

After that apply a curling iron, not too much, on the strands for the entire length of your hair, then make a bun all over your head. Then secure with clips and in the morning you just loosen your hair, pass a comb with wide teeth and then apply a little more of the styler you chose.

This way you will have natural curls all day long and without the need to use devices such as curlers, flat iron and miracurl. Now that you know all these tricks, just rock your natural self-made curls.

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