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How to do homemade nail stretching: learn

Nail elongation is considered a symbol of femininity and delicacy by many women. Many of them seek to take more care and treat their nails with more affection, but many women choose to learn how to do homemade nail stretching, and that is why today we are going to show you the best ways.

Even using nail lengthening it is necessary to keep your natural nails healthy and strong. A great helper is the beautvip hair, with its proven effectiveness, it helps in the growth and strengthening of nails, in addition to leaving them more beautiful and healthier. Today we are going to show you the best and easiest ways to make homemade nail stretching, so that you can make your nails big and beautiful while spending little!

Take a notebook so you don't miss any tips, remembering that even knowing how to do homemade nail stretching, it's necessary to know that it won't be as perfect, it's natural as made with a professional, but it's worth the try!

Know the types of nail elongations.

Gel stretching:

The main and best known nail elongation is gel, which is most often done by professionals. But on the internet you can find several tutorials in a simple and easy to understand way. For this type of technique some materials are needed, which at first may seem expensive, but it is an investment. On the internet you can find the complete kit with the necessary materials for how to make homemade nail stretching. They can range from one hundred and eighty to two hundred and fifty reais, but they have all the materials!

To know how to make homemade nail lengthening with the gel, it is necessary to know the minimum about the technique, so if you are interested in using this technique, do more research and study about it.

Stretching with wheat flour:

Now we'll talk about a different technique, but very used because it's easy and very cheap! Nail lengthening made with wheat flour consists of using a mold under the nail, and alternating between a layer of instant glue and wheat flour. In addition, the nail should be sanded very well and finished in the way you prefer. You can find more information and more complete tutorials about this technique of how to do homemade nail stretching on youtube.

False nails:

Now the most famous and simplest among them is the application of false nails. It is also one of the cheapest techniques, as you can find false nails for up to two reais in pharmacies and cosmetic stores in general. The secret to increasing the durability of the false nail is also to use instant and extra strong glue, since the glue for false nails may not last long.

But it is necessary to remember that the option of using the artificial nail to replace the way of making homemade nail stretching is not the best of them, we should always leave the nails natural rest and breathe without any product. After knowing about some types and ways of doing homemade nail stretching, we'll give you some necessary tips to keep your nail healthy.

Always be careful:

Regardless of whether you use natural nails or some form of homemade nail stretching you should take really good care of your nails. Exfoliate cuticles, use moisturizer on hands and nails, and always use gloves when handling cleaning products


Learn more about doing homemade nail stretching.

Our diet influences everything when it comes to our body, including our nails. If you are looking to focus on improving your nail health, eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as eggs, milk and leafy vegetables. Always looking for a balanced diet.

Now you know that even knowing how to do homemade nail stretching, you should decide the best alternatives and which ones best fit your profile. You can also do this stretching technique with professionals. These techniques can range from one hundred to five hundred reais or more! So always look for the best alternatives, and if you think it's worth it, don't hesitate to do the procedure!

These techniques and ways of doing stretching Nail art can be an outlet for many women's self-esteem. If you feel good with long nails you should invest in these procedures to feel more beautiful.

Remembering that we are not here to set any standards of beauty, you should be free to choose whether you want to have large, painted or even short, natural nails. That's why today we show you the easiest and most affordable techniques to let you know how to do homemade nail stretching.

Remember to always take care of your nails and your food to keep them healthy and strong. Now that you know everything you need to do and know all the techniques, just choose the best one for you and play using your creativity and making super different and modern colors and models!

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