How to do botox at home: what is capillary botox for

Straight-haired women are always looking for new ways to make their hair prettier and healthier. And one of the ways to achieve this result is knowing how to do Botox at home. And that's our topic for today. Check out.

how to do botox at home
Capillary botox is a great way to make your hair look even more beautiful and silky! Do you want to learn how to do it at home? So check out this article!

In addition to being able to use the capsules of the BeautyVip Hair to get healthier, shiny, hydrated and less brittle hair, women with smooth textures can still enjoy the benefits of botox and, today, we will teach you how to do botox at home. Check out.

What is capillary botox?

Before learning how to do Botox at home, it is interesting that you find out what it is. It is a hair treatment technique, where the main objective is to fill the strands, restoring their shine and elasticity.

In short, capillary botox helps to restore hair health, leaving them more shiny. After all, by recomposing all the hair fiber and providing nutrients, it is normal for your tresses to become healthier.

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What are the benefits of botox?

In addition to all the advantages we talked about in the previous topic, one of the main benefits of botox is the fact that it is much less aggressive than other procedures, such as the progressive brush.

In addition, Botox also causes a decrease in frizz and split ends. Many women still wonder if capillary botox straightens the hair, but that is neither the function nor the purpose of this treatment.

How long does the botox effect last?

If you're wondering how to do Botox at home, one of the possible questions that should run through your head concerns the duration of this treatment. It is a fact that the effects are not permanent, but the duration can vary according to the care.

If you are very careful after applying Botox, usually the effects last for a maximum of 30 days, requiring reapplication. However, if you have frizzy, very voluminous or dry tresses, reapplication should take place in 15 or 20 days.

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How to do botox at home?

Now that we have removed the main doubts about this topic, you are now better prepared to know how to do Botox at home. If you already have the product indicated to perform Botox (you can choose the one you like best), follow the following step-by-step:

Step by step to apply botox at home

To ensure that everything goes smoothly and for you to achieve the expected result, follow the tips precisely.

  1. First, it is essential to wash your tresses and scalp twice with an anti-residue shampoo;
  2. Remove excess moisture using a dryer;
  3. Divide hair into similar strands to facilitate application;
  4. Apply the product, massaging each strand a lot, from the roots to the ends;
  5. Let the product act for about 20 minutes;
  6. Rinse your hair thoroughly until there is no more residue from the products;
  7. Dry your hair with a blow dryer and brush. You can finish with flat iron.
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Although capillary botox can be used on any hair, it is especially suitable for those that are weak and damaged. Other than that, know that, while the product acts on the head, it is not necessary to use the thermal cap.

Which Botox Should I Choose?

There are several Botox products on the market, and if you're wondering which one is the best, the answer is: it depends on the result you want to achieve. Each product promises certain benefits, and it's important that you check out what each one promises and come to a conclusion as to which one is the best.

As well as those that promote more well-behaved hair, there are those that reduce frizz, split ends and give that shower of shine to the locks. It is recommended that you research well and choose the one that fits your needs.

Which Botox Should I Choose To Do At Home
There are several botox products and, therefore, you should choose the one that best matches your hair's needs.

Also, it is important that you choose one Botox that doesn't damage the hair. After all, although the vast majority offer several benefits, there are those that, in their composition, have some components that can cause your hair to suffer some damage.

And that is certainly not what you want, considering that botox is a procedure sought after by women who want to obtain healthier hair.