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How to cut the bangs alone

Especially during the pandemic, many women decided to change their look, through polite, texturing and hair dyes. One of the changes most performed by them, due to its "simplicity", is the cut of the bangs. However, many women end up failing in this process, and that's why we've brought you tips on how to cut your bangs yourself.

A basic tip first: Your hair must be strong and healthy before undergoing any kind of transformation. Therefore, the amount of vitamins and minerals needed for this should be consumed daily. With the BeautyVip Hair, this process becomes much easier and more comfortable, that's why we leave here this great suggestion of vitamin supplement for hair. With your hair strengthened, then it's time to cut your bangs yourself:

Plan before cutting:

Every day on social networks, we see women who challenged themselves to cut their bangs alone at home, but who failed and generated good laughs among internet users. that's because they didn't measure the hair or plan the shape of the cut before putting the scissors into action.

That's why we've separated some fringe cuts, so you can choose the new look for your locks. One side bangs is a shorter fringe, ideal for rounder or wider faces. already a long straight bangs, is best suited for oval or triangular face shapes. One Short straight bangs, it is seen as a “cooler” format, despite being quite traditional, so it can be ideal for people with a more oval face.

Always look for references on the internet, and compare the shape of the bangs to your face. As technology advances, there are even filters on Instagram, and smartphone apps that simulate haircuts on your face that can help you find the right bangs style for you.

No using the wrong scissors:

It seems silly to have to say this kind of thing, but on the internet, it is very common to see people cutting their bangs by themselves, using school scissors. It's obvious, but this is not the right tool for the job, as your cut can be totally deformed, and your hair is completely uneven, covered in uneven ends.

So, go to a store specializing in hair care producers, and buy your own scissors to cut your hair. Often, its price is quite affordable.

With The Fringes, you can change your look, doing everything at home.

How to measure correctly:

Hair grows evenly on all sides. However, on the front, it is much more apparent. Therefore, measure the desired length carefully before doing anything else. Another important tip is to do this with dry hair, so that it looks natural, and there are no surprises in the results after the hair dries.

Start by tracing an inverted triangle about four fingers wide at the height of the hairline. Then just bring all your hair together over your nose. above, we said not to do this with wet hair, but a little moisture can help with the process. The ideal is to spray a little, without leaving them with too much humidity, before the process, as cutting it completely dry is not recommended.

Another valuable tip, to cut your bangs alone at home, is to use a small hair elastic, so that your fingers don't miss or slip out when measuring, leaving a crooked bangs and with an unwanted result.

And finally it's time for the scissors:

Start cutting through the middle part, as this is the part that will guide the rest of the cut. The ideal is to cut straight first, then start to shred it little by little. Cut the sides of the hair slightly slanted, always aligned with the middle length.

After that, it is important to analyze, with the help of a mirror, if it was not crooked, and to correct it little by little, until you reach the desired result. Another very important tip is to do this process little by little, without taking a large amount at once, so you will be less likely to make mistakes.

These were basic tips, so you can cut your bangs yourself, using very common materials at home. For more tips like this, just keep calling us! And remember, always keep your hair healthy with the BeautyVip Hair, and see what benefits your hair will get.





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