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How to whiten lips

Facial care is necessary, as this is a more fragile region. And, within that context, if you want to know how to whiten your lips, just continue in this article and we'll give you some homemade tips.

Is your mouth slightly stained, and you want to know how to whiten your lips? So just check out this article.

If you are the type of person who cares a lot about the skin on your face, we strongly encourage you to use the BeautVip Cel since with it you get healthier skin and say goodbye to expression signs! However, if you want to know how to whiten your lips, just continue with this article.

What makes lips dark?

Before you know how to lighten your lips, it's important that you know what causes them to darken. After all, it won't do us any good if we give you the whitening recipes, if you will eventually need to go through this procedure again.

It's like that old saying goes: better safe than sorry. There are some factors that cause darkening of the lips, as well as excessive consumption of coffee and tea, exposure to the sun, smoking and lack of care.

Besides these, despite being a little rarer, it can also happen that your lips become darker due to the incorrect use of some product in this region. The lip is the most fragile part of our body and, therefore, it is important to take certain precautions.

If you have a habit of skin the lips, for example, this can also indirectly contribute to your lips turning dark. The skin serves as a protective layer. Now, if you take it off, your lips will be exposed and frail.

Therefore, as there is no such protective layer, it becomes more susceptible that they become dark due to exposure to the sun, excessive coffee and teas and things like that.

Can I lighten my lips naturally?

If you are wondering how to whiten your lips, it is possible that you have already wondered if this procedure can only be done with the use of some chemical or more aggressive treatment, for example.

But not! You can be completely carefree, as there are several natural procedures that will make your lips look clear without requiring anything more aggressive.

How to whiten lips?

there is a plethora of tips on how to whiten lips and, in order for you to achieve the desired result, we will list some of the homemade recipes capable of lightening the blemishes on the lips. Check out.

How to whiten lips with honey and lemon?

Lemon, being an acidic product, is a great way to whiten your lips. However, for this procedure, some precautions are necessary. For example, at the end of the recipe, avoid exposing yourself to the sun, as this can cause blemishes on the lips.

This recipe will remove dead cells and deeply nourish your lips, creating a more natural and beautiful tone. To make this recipe, just mix, in equal parts, lemon juice and honey to form a serum.

For this recipe, one lemon is enough. Afterwards, just apply it to the lips and let it act for 1 hour. Then simply remove with a damp cloth. The interesting thing about this recipe is that, in case you have done too much, you can save the mixture for another application.

But a precaution that you must be careful about this recipe is that, when the product is acting, do not expose to the sun. And at the end of the procedure, if possible, apply a lip balm that has some factor that protects from UV rays.

How to whiten lips with coconut oil

Coconut oil is already extremely used for homemade hydration of the face and hair. However, if you want to know how to whiten your lips, know that coconut oil can also help you with this!

That coconut oil can moisturize everyone already knows, now that it is able to whiten the lips, it could be new!

In addition to helping with whitening, it provides a protective layer. To get lighter, just apply a little oil on your lips every night before bed. The next day, if there is still residue of the product, wash it gently.

How to Whiten Lips with Beetroot

It's true that your mouth can turn purple with this recipe, but it's a momentary thing and it will still help you to whiten your lips. To do this, just cut a beetroot into slices, store it in the fridge for a few minutes and apply it to the lips with gentle massages.

How to whiten lips with apple cider vinegar

Due to the presence of alpha-hydroxy acids, apple cider vinegar is also slightly acidic. Therefore, as soon as you apply this recipe, avoid exposing yourself to the sun or high temperatures.

To lighten lips with apple cider vinegar, simply mix one teaspoon of vinegar with one teaspoon of water. Then, just apply it to the lips with a cotton pad and let it dry naturally.

When it's dry, you'll need to rinse it off with warm water so that no product residue remains on your lips.

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