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How to bleach your hair yourself at home

Are you in the mood to change your look, and that's why you want to know how to bleach your hair? In addition to this information, you also need to know about some pre and post discoloration care. All this and more you will learn in this article.

Want to bleach your hair but don't know how? Then follow our how-to tips!

Discolored hair requires greater maintenance and care, so much so that, to ensure the health of the hair, many women use the BeautyVip Hair, which promises more hydrated hair and cuticle sealing. But if you want to know how to bleach your hair, some tips are essential.

Can I bleach my hair at home?

It can, but it depends. As this is a procedure that takes chemistry, you must be careful and have some experience when bleaching the hair. So, if you don't have any experience with this type of situation, it's preferable that you leave it to a professional.

After all, to guarantee a prettier result, there's nothing better than entrusting your yarns to a qualified professional. Now, if you already have some confidence to perform this procedure yourself, it is good that you are aware of some procedures prior to bleaching.

What do I need to know before bleaching the strands?

there are some Myths and Truths About Bleaching Hair and, before learning how to bleach your hair, it is important that you know all the necessary cares to ensure healthier and more beautiful strands.

Therefore, before bleaching, we recommend that you do the lock test, in order to check if your locks are ready to receive the chemistry. The wick test works as follows:

  1. With the bleaching product ready, apply to a strand;
  2. Let the product act for the time indicated by the manufacturer;
  3. If your strands resisted well, a sign that your hair is ready to receive and discoloration;
  4. Now, in case you noticed that your hairs didn't react well, we recommend that you leave the bleaching for another time and invest in a capillary schedule.

Is the bleaching powder incompatible with other chemicals?

Yes, and this is a point that you should have a lot of knowledge about, and that's why we decided to create a topic to talk exclusively about it. If you mix the bleach powder, you can suffer from the dreaded chemical cutting.

Therefore, to avoid this situation, it is extremely important that you always perform the mecha test. Other than that, know that bleaching powder is incompatible with guanidine and thioglycolate. Therefore, if you had a procedure that had one of these compounds, delay the bleaching.

There is a lot you need to know before you understand how to bleach your hair to prevent your hair from becoming malnourished or breaking.

How to bleach hair at home?

Now that you know that you must follow all the tips given above to the letter, we can teach you how to bleach your hair. To avoid any inconvenience, follow the following step by step:

  1. In a container, mix two measures of bleaching powder to one measure of hydrogen peroxide;
  2. Mix until you get a smooth consistency;
  3. With a brush and a glove, apply the product lock by lock;
  4. In application, you should always start from the tips to the root;
  5. Leave the bleach on for 30 minutes;
  6. Once you get the color you want, wash the strands with shampoo and cold water, without leaving any residue.

During the application process, a tip that we can give you preference for blue bleaching powder, as it will avoid the yellowish aspect of the hair.

How to choose hydrogen peroxide to bleach hair?

Among the precautions you need to take when knowing how to bleach your hair is the fact of knowing how to choose the correct hydrogen peroxide for your hair type. Currently, there is hydrogen peroxide of 10, 20, 30 and 30 volumes and, to bleach your hair, you have to choose the correct one.

The 10 volume hydrogen peroxide is weaker and, therefore, is not recommended for those who want to know how to bleach their hair. The 20 has a power to lighten up to 2 tones, and can already be used for those who want to bleach.

In order to bleach your hair yourself at home, you have to know which hydrogen peroxide to use.

The 20 volume hydrogen peroxide is indicated to cover white threads, tone-on-tone colorations or when you want to gently modify the tone of the reflections. If you want to lighten up to 3 tones, the 30 volume hydrogen peroxide helps you do that.

Generally, the 30 is the most used together with the bleaching powder. Now, the 40 volume hydrogen peroxide, the strongest, is able to lighten up to 5 tones. Only use it if you want to apply very light dyes such as platinum or greyish.

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