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How to apply botox to hair?

Learn more about capillary botox.

Today we are going to talk about capillary botox, known as the darling of women for being a great partner for the appearance of your hair, it has this reputation for drastically reducing the frizz present in your hair, reducing volume and bringing an incredible shine to your hair highlights, resulting in a significant improvement in the quality of your hair and ends up hydrating them. So today we will explain and show you step by step in detail how to apply Botox to your hair.

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Before researching how to apply botox to hair, many people end up having a mega wrong preconception about capillary botox by its name, but what they don't know is that it doesn't have the botulinum toxin, which is applied in aesthetic processes. Capillary botox, on the other hand, has ingredients responsible for hydration and volume reduction.

Many women have several doubts about capillary botox, coming from this pre-concept that exists naturally about it. It turns out to be normal by the name he has, but it's just a fancy name. The most common questions that women have before looking for how to apply Botox to their hair are whether the botox straightens the hair and whether the botox has formaldehyde.

Of course, we are here to solve your doubts about how to apply Botox to your hair, so pay close attention, as this will certainly help you to resolve doubts and questions, and may even motivate you to seek the use of the product.

Learn more about botox:

Next, you will learn more about botox.

Starting with the possible existence of formaldehyde in capillary botox, and the answer is that yes, there is the possibility of having formaldehyde present in the botox components, but it is easily identified on the packaging, but rest assured that formaldehyde is not present in everyone, and of course, the most recommended by specialists are capillary botox that do not have formaldehyde in their composition.

Returning to the doubt about whether botox can straighten hair, many women have this question more because Botox reduces hair volume, but this is just a function of it and it does not cause hair straightening, so the answer is no . This is due to the simple fact of the existence of proteins and vitamins in the composition of Botox, leading to the treatment of your hair, removing frizz and hair volume, making it just aligned, not straight.

In wavy hair, on the other hand, it gives the impression that it is a little smoother, but it's just an impression, as it only leaves a little closer to the straight.

As stated above, capillary botox is a great ally in women's lives and the demand for how to apply botox on hair ended up increasing drastically, exactly for this reason it has a huge fame among them. Botox ends up being quite important because it has unique benefits present in its application, especially in hair that has recently undergone chemical processes and is quite damaged, not only for that, it is also very suitable for those with dehydrated hair, acting on the rapid hydration of your hair and consequently with the effects of pollution, a very common problem present in everyone's life.

Botox application steps:

Find out how hair botox is done.

The application process is done as follows by the professional, so pay close attention to the step-by-step process. First carry out a normal washing with the shampoo, after having rinsed and dried, remove the excess water so that the application can be made. Apply capillary botox exactly 1cm from the root. Right after doing this, wait 30 minutes for the product to penetrate your hair and finally, rinse them again so that you have the long-awaited result.

Once you know how to apply Botox to your hair, the necessary care with your hair is extremely precise, as mentioned above, pay attention to its formula and see if there is no formaldehyde present, it guarantees the hydration of your hair and treat the hair well. your scalp. Once all this is done, you will surely be aware of what capillary botox is and its care, therefore, make sure that you have paid attention to all the details.

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