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How to apply foundation: know different techniques

Nowadays, people are so focused on the more complex things that sometimes, even the basic and simplest things end up being forgotten, because of that, it's really important to stop a little and look back so you can align again according to the place you started, this talking about the world of make, for example. Because of that, today we will show you or remind you how to apply foundation on the face, as well as how to apply foundation without a brush, what the foundation is about and also about the types of foundation for each skin.

But before we start the explanation on how to apply foundation to the face, how to apply foundation without a brush, foundation types for each skin and so on. First we need to recommend you the BeautVip Cel, it will definitely become a mega ally, because with its benefits it will alleviate all your headaches in relation to your body and skin. An example of this is cellulite, for sure you have a certain concern about them, not for having them but for treating them, but with BeautVip Cel, you will be able to treat them in the most correct way possible.

BeautVip Cel will help you have better circulation in your skin, helping to treat cellulite in the right way, as this circulation will influence the health of the affected region, thus improving the appearance of your skin. BeautVip Cel will also help you in the search for a more linear skin, that is, in the search for greater regularity, this will happen due to the presence of draining and anti-inflammatory in its composition. But don't think it's over here, because it will still help you to have a deep hydration and absorption, ensuring good skin.

Know that all these benefits of BeautVip Cel are extremely essential for your skin, as it acts both on your skin's health and on your skin's appearance. Because of this and its benefits, it has been gaining a certain space among women and you will certainly be impressed with its result, but don't worry, it has proven efficacy. So don't waste any more time and run after your BeautVip Cel so that you can have a well-groomed, well-groomed skin with an outstanding look, without a headache.

Learn how to apply foundation to the face.

Now we are going to deal with a subject that is quite normal in the lives of makeup artists, but with the intention of in addition to teaching, we also want to emphasize it so that you never forget this simple step, which in this case is how to apply foundation on the face. But don't think that we're just going to talk about this, as we'll also cover the skin base and base types for each skin, so stay tuned in all the details so that you don't miss anything fundamental and that it can mess up yours. experience with the skin base.

Now check out the step-by-step instructions on how to apply foundation to the face

First of all, make sure your face is clean, so before applying skin foundation, clean your face and even use some light moisturizer. Right after cleaning, start the procedure of how to apply foundation on the face passing on your forehead, starting from the region between the eyebrows and going up in order to cover the entire region of your forehead.

With light movements, start to apply the skin base on your face and then move to the region of your nose and finish this region on your chin and around your mouth. Finally, apply it to your cheeks with light movements, as if you were lifting your face with the action.

Once you know how to apply foundation on your face, it is also important that you know that there are several types of how to apply foundation without a brush, either with your hands or with a sponge of your own. So now we're going to show you how to apply foundation without a brush, but with your hands.

Applying foundation with the brush

This way of application has no secret, so don't worry about knowing how to apply foundation without a brush. You just apply a little of the product on your skin in the same way we taught in the tutorial above, that is, it doesn't change anything, don't forget that you can massage your skin yourself, ensuring that it stays linear and regular. So it has some disadvantages that won't bother you, among these disadvantages are the difficulty of taking the product from your hand after application.

But learning how to apply foundation without a brush is essential if you don't have a brush or sponge to apply, and it's a practical and quick procedure, ensuring that you don't spend anything.

Get to know some secrets about the base now.

It's important that you know that skin foundation is one of the most important things when it comes to complex makeup or even when you just want to change your look a little bit. The foundation has a fundamental role in the search for a linear, beautiful and natural skin, therefore, knowing how to apply foundation is extremely important for both you, who are beginners and for you, who are already experts in the subject, but who always end up forgetting the parts most basic.

Did you know that there are foundation types for every skin? Well, we will now teach you about all types of foundation for each skin, you will surely find the ideal one for you, because whether you like it or not, it is important to know your skin and the proper foundation for it.

mousse base

The mousse foundation, despite not being used a lot, is an important type for your skin, as it does not weigh on your skin, giving it an important lightness. The mousse base is properly indicated for oily skins, having a great durability.

Powder base

The powder foundation is also indicated for oily skin, but it also works on mixed skin, but it ends up being indicated to finish the make-up, that is, it takes the shine off your skin.

Liquid base

The liquid foundation, the best known among the others, has an important target, which in this case is dry and normal skin. It is suitable for younger people and has a very quick and practical application.

Once you understand about the base types for each skin, you will certainly feel more comfortable when choosing yours ideal base for your skin, so stay tuned in every detail so that nothing goes wrong with the procedure.

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