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How to accelerate the hair transition?

If you're thinking about making the big chop, chances are you're wondering how to speed up the capillary transition. After all, even though it is a liberating procedure, in some cases it can also be quite painful.

While the hair transition is very liberating, the truth is that some moments can be quite difficult.

To reach the final stage of hair transition, many women invest in products that stimulate hair growth. And, among them all, one of the most outstanding is the BeautyVip Hair which, in addition to promising hair growth, leaves them much healthier, shiny and resistant.

However, if you want to know how to speed up the hair transition, you can combine the intake of these vitamin capsules with other procedures and tips. And that is exactly our proposal with this article. Check out.

What is capillary transition?

Popularized by curly and curly hair, the capillary transition is nothing more when the intention is to return to using the natural texture of the strands. For many years, women with extremely frizzy hair, for example, surrendered to various procedures to straighten their hair.

However, if you want to drop these treatments and go back to squandering your natural beauty, it means that you are in hair transition. In this process, it is normal to have two textures in the hair, its natural and the smoother, which was obtained through chemistry. And many women are looking to know how to speed up the hair transition.

When does the hair transition end?

There is no way to specify dates, as this will depend on each hair. But, in general, many women feel that the hair transition ends when you make the “big chop”, which is when you cut all the hair extension that doesn't have its natural texture.

In the case of curly hair, all hair that is chemically straight is cut. For many, this is a feeling of freedom and relief, but it is not possible to say that the hair transition ends there. If you've been through years of drug treatment, you'll still have work to do, even after the big chop.

In that case, you can consider the capillary transition to be over when you recover all the capillary damage from years of chemistry, for example. And as some women report spending another year in this process, many wonder how to speed up the hair transition.

How to accelerate the hair transition?

When we talk about accelerating the capillary transition, we are referring to promoting the hair growth in a faster and healthier way, and there are some tips to achieve this result, which we will present below.

Avoid high temperatures

As the hair has two textures, it is normal to be tempted to use a flat iron, at least to make the hair more even. However, this will further damage your strands as the direct heat makes transitioning hair susceptible to breakage.

Therefore, the main tip on how to accelerate the hair transition is to try to use your hair in ways that do not require heat. However, if you are too tempted to use it, at least try to use a good thermal protector to soften the damage a little.

massage the scalp

Many products that are intended to promote hair growth, have as their main purpose to increase the blood flow to the scalp. So, if you want to know how to speed up the hair transition, while showering, take the opportunity to massage your scalp, as this will increase blood flow.

It's possible that you didn't know that, but it's a great tip to make hair grow and, as a result, getting you through the hair transition process faster than you want to.

Moisturize and condition the strands

It is impossible to go through the hair transition without investing in a lot of hydration and nutrition for the hair. We will not necessarily recommend a hairline schedule, as many women feel that their hair does not respond well to the schedule when transitioning.

Our tip is that you at least give it a try and, if you notice that your hair reacts well, do it as usual. If not, at least be sure to perform periodic hydration, because without a doubt your hair will need it.

take vitamins

With this tip, we are not just advising you to take vitamin capsules like the one from BeautVip Hair that we indicated at the beginning. Here, we also mean foods that are rich in certain vitamins that benefit our hair.

In addition to using a capsule like BeautVip Hair, bet on a diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, try to maintain a diet rich in vitamin AC and D. Biotin and sulfur are also great components that, in addition to making your hair grow faster, make your hair healthier, more resistant and shiny.

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