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How much hair grows per month: Find out in cm

Hair growth can vary for each case, for example, routine can be a big unknown when it comes to hair growth. If you want to know how much hair grows per month, consider that there is an average, which is 12 centimeters per year, and 1.2 centimeters per month! Even having this number in hand, we have to consider that there may be exceptions. In summary, there may be exceptions for your body, depending on your diet, genetics, and your body's hair growth pattern.

It's the BeautyVip Hair can help you in hair growth. Capsules with proven effectiveness help hair growth in a healthy and real way, in addition to leaving hair shinier and with a beautiful and unique volume, in addition to changing how many centimeters the hair grows per month.

It is worth remembering that hair curvature is not related to how much hair grows per month, the only difference between the hairs is only the shapes, generating the impression of little growth in curly hair, for example, the growth can have a direct influence with the metabolism, but one of the important points to focus on is the health of the strands and the products used in them, since they are also responsible for the nutrition of the strands, this can change a lot how many centimeters the hair grows per month.

To answer your questions about how much hair grows per month, we have prepared this article, I hope it helps you. Check out:

Let's solve your doubts about how many cm your hair grows per month.

Consider your hair care needs

Considering this fact, this helps in the healthy growth of the hair, and also prevents falling. If you are in the habit of using chemicals and aggressive procedures to the hair, know that they can slow down the growth, and even prevent it from happening, oiliness is a factor that must be analyzed, hair with a lot of oiliness is harmful to the time, which can affect how much hair grows per month. It is important to point out that the natural hair oil is beneficial, but in excess it can obstruct the follicles, and makes it difficult how many centimeters the hair grows per month.

So, it is very important that these threads are washed regularly, on alternate days, or every day in case of practitioners of intense physical activities, also consider the use of anti-residues, as they help to maintain the cleaning the threads. Something to remember is that, in addition to oils and chemicals, the habit of frequent use of equipment such as boards, dryers, babyliss, among others, is totally harmful to hair health and can affect how much hair grows per month.

They are great cause of oiliness in the hair. These equipments, if used excessively, can cause burns on the scalp and consequently on the wires. The advice on the dryer is to prefer natural drying, on the curling iron and other finishing equipment it is recommended to use on special occasions. But if you can't avoid using them, the guideline is to keep the hair dryer at least 30cm away from the wires and don't use the curling iron or flat iron with damp hair. In addition to shock hazards, this habit causes burning in the locks, which can delay how much hair grows each month.

Take care of your food, it is essential!

One of the actions that most influence how many cm the hair grows per month is balanced nutrition.

If you noticed that your hair is growing in a slow way, you may possibly be inattentive to your diet, understand that it is important, as it takes the necessary vitamins to the strands, which help in its healthy growth and development. Some foods such as carrots, lentils, meat, eggs and cabbage can help make your hair's metabolism healthier, resulting in stronger hair, and consequently faster growth.

Our threads are formed by some essential components, some of them are: vitamins D, E and F, iron and keratin. For this reason, it is recommended to keep food up to date, as these essential components will be supplied to the threads. But if you cannot consume these vitamins, we have the option of BeautVip Hair, it is a multivitamin that provides the main components for the threads, it is a concentrate of all these vitamins, and it also benefits hair and nails, it is worth checking out !

Mental health reflects on your hair health

Perhaps what is preventing your hair from growing healthy is your mental health, as it does have great power over your body, which can cause the destruction of your hair health and even the loss of locks, which affects the amount of hair grows by month.

Anxiety and stress are factors that affect your mental health, the daily rush, or financial and personal situations can be a big issue for this situation, so you are advised to recover your personal situation in order to reduce this state in your routine, looking for a psychologist is a great alternative too. Feeling good about yourself, and with mental health up to date, is a great way to keep the speed of how many cm your hair grows per month constant.

About aging…

The threads follow three phases of growth, anagen (growth), catagen (resting) and telogen (hair loss). Of course there may be exceptions that can change this pattern, some of which have already been mentioned above. But the truth is, aging is not related to how much hair grows per month.

In fact the hair slows down how many centimeters the hair grows per month, but this process never stops at 100%. The only ways this can happen are through chemicals, problems with mental and physical health, and lack of nutrients itself. That's it, these are considerations to take when it comes to hair growth, they are simple, but they can make your life easier in your Rapunzel project, to have beautiful locks like soap opera actresses.

But beyond that, you can count on the help of homemade recipes for hair growth, so grab your notebook and write down this valuable tip that can change your hair! But always remember to search very well for the recipes that will be good for your hair, search for products and ingredients that you already know so that you don't have any results different from what you expected.

you will need the aloe, after opening it, remove all the ooze present. It is she who will play the role of boosting growth. After doing this process, apply a little of the gel on the skin and wait for ten to fifteen minutes, in any sign of allergy, remove the product and discontinue use immediately.

Apply the aloe vera to the roots of the hair and massage it for a few minutes, after that just wash normally, now you know more about hair growth. Just take very good care of the wires and always take maximum care with heat sources, try to have a better nutrition and take care of yourself. You will love the results!

How to increase the speed of how many cm hair grows per month?

Let's give you now, some more super simple tips, which will help you increase the speed of your hair growth. You've already learned how many cm your hair grows per month, haven't you? Well then, we will teach you some practices that can help you keep this growth at its maximum speed. Massage the scalp whenever possible

The scalp needs to be massaged constantly, just like you after a tiring day. Do this process with your fingertips lightly whenever you wash your hair. Now, if you are not used to washing your hair every day, massage your scalp when combing, using the comb itself.

Shampoo and conditioner are products that are part of the daily care routine of most women. However, many of them use both products the wrong way, causing this to influence how many cm hair grows per month. The correct way to use shampoo is to apply it directly to the hair root, and then let it drain naturally to the rest of the hair. The conditioner must be applied in the opposite way, that is, directly on the ends of the hair, avoiding the root region.

Just as you should wash your hair periodically, your strands also need a fortnightly hydration, to keep growing strong and healthy. The best type of hydration is using natural ingredients, which do not damage the hair, and promote an intense moisturizing action, such as aloe vera, for example. The use of moisturizing masks is also indicated, as it forms a great alliance with the natural ingredients.

Anyway, we hope you learned a little more about how many inches your hair grows per month, and also enjoyed our hair growth tips. See you next time, and thanks for your support as always!

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